Monday, October 19, 2009

Feast of the North American Martyrs

North American MartyrsPicture Source

The Jesuit martyrs of North America include St. John de Brébeuf, St. Isaac Jogues, St. Gabriel Lalemant, St. Anthony Daniel, St. Charles Garnier, St. Noël Chabanel, St. René Goupil, St. John de la Lande , who were either priests or worker-companions. All were martyred between 1642 and 1649 while laboring among American Indian tribes. These heroic men can be our inspiration as we pray and sacrifice for the missions.

Jesuit Father Dave gave graphic description on how Saint Isaac Jogues and St. John de Brébeuf were tortured and ultimately martyred. Saint John de Brébeuf's was killed and his chest cut open. His heart was taken and eaten by the Indians who believed him to be the strongest man they ever met.
O God, who by the preaching and blood of Thy sainted martyrs, Isaac and John and their companions, didst consecrate the first fruits of the faith in the vast regions of North America, graciously grant that, by their intercession, the flourishing harvest of the Christians may everywhere and always be increased. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, who liveth and reigneth with Thee in the unity of the Holy Ghost, God, World without end. Amen.

- Roman Missal
To Saint Isaac Jogues

Saint Isaac Jogues! By thy preaching and by thy blood, the eternal Word did consecrate the first-fruits of the faith in the vast regions of North America. Pray for us, O martyr of Christ, that by the example of our lives, we may bring others to follow Christ and so assist in increasing the harvest of souls, sown by thee in American. Amen.
The Prayer Book, The Catholic Press, Inc.

Be sure to make a pilgrimage to the National Shrine of the North American Martyrs in Auriesville, New York.

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