Sunday, October 25, 2009

Blessed Andre Bessette - One Step Closer to Canonization

Bl. Andre Bessette
A Vatican decision has moved Montreal's Brother Andre one step closer to being canonized.
The Theological Commission for the Causes of Saints at the Vatican accepted unanimously on Saturday the healing powers of Brother Andre, a pious porter at College Notre Dame who went on to found St. Joseph's basilica. He has been credited with healing the sick, the lame and the blind.

A commission of cardinals and bishops will now begin to study the suitability of extending devotion to Brother Andre throughout the Universal Church, the final step before the cause for canonization goes to Pope Benedict XVI.
Montreal's Brother Andre step closer to sainthood

H/T Sue Cifelli


  1. Hello
    I am delighted to see that you have picked up on Brother Andre. He was a prominent feature of my childhood as my parents had a great devotion to him. One of my brothers is actually named in his honour. I don't think he was very well known outside of Canada in those days so it is good to see that is changing. Thanks for a really good blog. You bring us loads of news and views from all over the world. God bless.

  2. He is becoming more and more known, like Bl. Seelos. I remember reading how very humble he was. Thanks BG.
