Monday, September 14, 2009

Exaltation of the Cross

Lamb of God
Prayer in Honor of Christ's Cross

Christ our God,...
we adore your holy cross
while we say:
the cross is a weapon which does not fail;
the cross is a stronghold which does not fall;
the cross dispersed the people of the Jews;
the cross gathered together the nations;
the cross put to shame the unbelievers;
the cross crowned the martyrs;
the cross reconciled those in heaven
with those on earth.

Therefore, Lord,
by your cross pardon our offenses;
by your cross forgive our faults;
by your cross guard our churches;
by your cross exalt our monasteries.
Make us and our departed brothers and sisters
worthy to worship you
on the day of your manifestation,
that we may be protected beneath the wings of your cross.
And we will offer praise and thanksgiving
to you and your Father and your Holy Spirit
now and forever.

- Syrian Orthodox Church
New Saint Joseph People's Prayer Book, Catholic Book Publishing Co.

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