Sunday, September 20, 2009

E Komo Mai Father Frank Pavone!

Fr. Pavone Holy Communion
Fr. Pavone during Holy Communion. Celebrant, Father Nagai is behind him.

Fr. Pavone with Bulletin
Father Pavone holding the Sunday Bulletin containing information to help pregnant women in need

Fr. Pavone Homily
Father Pavone's homily

Deacon Ron Nelson
Deacon Ron Nelson

These photos were taken at the 7am Mass at Sacred Heart Church, Honolulu. Deacon Ronald Nelson of Hope Alive, is responsible for Father Pavone coming and speaking to the parishioners of Sacred Heart.

I found Father Pavone to be a very approachable and friendly priest. I introduced myself and he graciously went with me to meet my family.

Father Pavone gave a strong homily on today's Gospel. He called us to care for one another. He emphasized the pro-life movement, Priests for Life in specific, not only cares about the unborn and defenseless baby, but also the mother and the father. He encouraged us to reach out to these women in need who may not be aware that help (financially, spiritually, emotionally, etc.) is available to women.

It is a real blessing that Father Pavone came to speak to all in Hawaii. He has a few more engagements coming up like a open-forum this afternoon at 1:30 pm at Sacred Heart Church and then a Hawaii Right to Life fundraiser dinner and talk at the Hale Koa this evening. Father is also the guest speaker at the 40 Days for Life Honolulu on Tuesday.

Please try to attend these upcoming events and bring your friends and family.

1 comment:

  1. Esther, this is a wonderful story about Father Pavone.

    Alveda King, niece of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. spoke at Saint Cecilia's Catholic Church on September 18 in support of Pro-Life. The church is located in Rockaway, NJ. She is also a Pastoral Associate of Priests for Life.

    For anyone interested in reading the story, they can visit my blog at the following link:
