Friday, September 18, 2009

Don't Leave Our Lord Alone

St. Stephen's Monstranceecg
Exposition at St. Stephen's Chapel, Paterson, NJ

Don't leave our Lord alone, dear,
He's been too good to you;
In Him you found the "Old Friend"
When other friends were new.

'Twas He, Who watched beside you
When life was dark and wild;
Who brought you safely Home dear,
And named you His own "Child."

You've come to Him in pain, dear,
And ever found relief;
Don't let another tempt you
To leave your friend in grief.

You oft knelt at His feet, dear,
With sad and aching heart,
And yet He never bid you
Uncomforted depart.

Though others crowd around Him,
He still finds time for you;
Ah yes! He is the "Old" Friend,
Of all your friends, most true.

Not wealth nor high position
Find favor at His throne;
But lowly hearts are dearest,
Who leave Him not alone.

He calls you to be "His" Child,
Then harden not your heart;
But come amongst His Chosen ones,
And live for Him, apart.

The way may oft be weary,
Yet He has gone before;
He only bids you follow,
And love Him more and more.

- from an old Holy card.

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