Thursday, September 24, 2009

Archbishop Timothy Dolan - The Archbishop of Charm

Read this interesting article here


  1. Esther, thank you so much for posting this! I absolutely love Archbishop Dolan! He blessed me for a vocation as a Catholic writer before he left Milwaukee. I miss him so very much, everyone does. I love the pictures! This makes my day!

  2. Esther,

    This is John's wife posting under his account. Thank you for posting this about Archbishop Dolan.

    Just yesterday morning, I had a dream that Archbishop Dolan had been moved back home to Missouri and that he was the head of our Diocese. It's the best dream that I have had in ages!

    As Anne said, I miss him so very much, too! May God grant him a long and fruitful life.

    God bless you!

  3. Anne, thanks for sharing that with us!

    Regan, welcome! Thanks to you too for sharing that with us.
