Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Year for Priests - Feast of St. Jean Marie Vianney

St. John Vianney and the BVMPicture Source Fr. Vince Inghilterra

Being Strong in Our Faith
What do we see in the greater number of Christians? Alas, a feeble and tepid faith...
What use do we make, my brethren of the precious gifts of our faith, and of the means of salvation which we find in the bosom of the Catholic Church?

What connection is there between our manner of living and the sanctity of our religion?

Can we say, my brethren, that our life corresponds with the precepts of the Gospel, with the example that Jesus Christ has given us?

That is to say, do we love poverty, humiliations, and contempt?

Do we prefer Christianity above all honors, and everything which this world possesses and desires?

Do we entertain that respect, that longing, and that zeal to draw all the graces we can from the sacraments, which our Lord so lavishly bestows upon us?

Let us examine ourselves on this question, my brethren.

Alas! how numerous and bitter are the reproaches which we must make to ourselves regarding these questions!...

If you hear the Word of God, listen immediately; be strong in your faith in spite of difficulties, and never allow it to waiver, but preserve it constantly; so that you, with the Wise Men, will have the grace of beholding your God face to face.

Saint John Mary Vianney


Plenary indulgences today.

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