Sunday, August 02, 2009

"We have lost the sense of sin"

Bishop Walsh
"Santa Rosa bishop, citing decline in Sacrament of Penance since Vatican II, calls on faithful to return to regular confession"...

Every 3,000 miles or so, we change the oil in our car. There may not be any major problem with our engine. But slowly, over time, minor impurities have been building up. If we leave those impurities unattended, they will eventually result in major and costly problems for our car.

Every once in a while, we move the furniture and vacuum behind our couch. If we don’t get to it one week, it’s no big deal. If we don’t get to it the next week, it’s no big deal. If we fail to move the couch and vacuum behind it for six months, it will be filthy with dust.

Every so often we have to weed our gardens. If we don’t the weeds will take over and the garden disappears.

The sacrament of penance is like an oil change for the soul. It’s like moving the furniture of our souls and getting to the places that escape everyday cleaning. It is like periodically checking the garden of our souls for weeds that hamper our discipleship...

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