Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Novena to Abba Father Starts on July 24th

God Our Father

I received the following email from a friend. Yesterday, I posted about local Catholic events to honor God our Father. In Paterson, NJ, St. Stephen's parish as a whole is also doing the novena in honor of God our Father and it will end with a celebration Mass on the Feast Day.

The novena is shared below.
Dear Friends,

On the 24th of July 2009 we begin the Novena in honour of our Loving Heavenly Father Abba, in preparation for His Feast on the 2nd of August 2009

Is there any way in which we could ever totally thank Our Father in heaven for His immense love and mercy and the abundant graces and blessings He pours out on each one of us every day of our lives ???? NO, but we could try !!!!!! The best way in which we could express our gratitude and reciprocate in some way the love of our Creator would be to honour Him on His feast day. Everyone has a birthday, a feast day, an anniversary, a special memorable occasion, but our Abba has just one day - the 1st Sunday of August which He has set apart as His Feast day.

Let us then prepare for this great Feast of our Heavenly Father by making a Novena in His honour and surrendering ourselves to Him totally and unconditionally, and by allowing Him to work in us, with us and through us, to spread His message of love, peace and joy. Please make this novena with your family members and let Him be the Lord of your homes Who guides our minds, hearts, and lives as we surrender our will into His Loving Hands.

God bless U and your families,

Novena to God the Father
God, my heavenly Father, I adore You, and I count myself as nothing before Your Divine Majesty. You alone are Being, Life, Truth, and Goodness. Helpless and unworthy as i am, I honor You, I praise You, I thank You, and I love You in union with Jesus Christ, Your Son, our Savior and our Brother, in the merciful kindness of His Heart and through His infinite merits.

I desire to serve You, to please You, to obey You, and to love You always in union with Mary Immaculate, Mother of God and our Mother. I also desire to love and serve my neighbor for the love of You.

Heavenly Father, thank You for making me Your child in Baptism. With childlike confidence I ask You for this special favor: (Mention your request)

I ask that Your Will may be done. Give me what You know to be best for my soul, and for the souls of those for whom I pray.

Give me Your Holy Spirit to enlighten me, to correct me, and to guide me in the way of Your commandments and holiness, while I strive for the happiness of heaven where I hope to glorify You forever. Amen

Novena Source

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