Monday, June 15, 2009

Year For Priests - Word Among Us Book Project

Year for Priests
In commemoration of the upcoming Year of the Priesthood, The Word Among Us Press is planning to publish a book of stories written by priests active in all types of ministries in the church. We want stories and testimonies that speak in a personal way of a priest’s call to his ministry and how his relationship with God sustains him and his work. We also want stories that describe the joys and challenges of everyday life as a priest.

Fr. Daren has details on how a priest can submit his story to the Word Among Us.

Excellent Project for Year of the Priesthood

While you are over at Fr. Daren's blog, be sure to read the story of his call to the priesthood.

And, for those of you not familiar with the Word Among Us, check out their website. Sts. Peter and Paul, Honolulu, generously make their monthly magazine available to all parishioners. What a wonderful source of inspirational stories, Gospel reflections, etc.

twitter / catholicmominHI


  1. Wow ,
    What an inspiratioal blog.
    I'll have to drink it in over some nights.
    Thankyou for offering so much.
    God Bless

  2. Thank you Gae.
    God bless.

  3. Oh Esther, this is a good one! I'm going to add this to my Year of Priests page. Thanks!!!

  4. You're welcome Evann.
