Wednesday, May 20, 2009

New Jersey Saint? From the Diocese of Metuchen

Mother Angeline Teresa

...In a 20-minute ceremony at the St. John Neumann Pastoral Center on Metlars Lane, Bishop Paul G. Bootkoski formally opened the Diocese of Metuchen's investigation into an alleged miracle being attributed to McCrory, the late founder of the Carmelite Sisters for the Aged and Infirm.

The diocesan investigation is the first phase — a fact-finding phase — of a church process designed to determine whether McCrory's intercession in Heaven resulted in a miracle on Earth. Two verified miracles must be attributed to a deceased candidate for sainthood before he or she can be canonized.

As founder of the Carmelite Sisters for the Aged and Infirm, McCrory spent her life caring for the elderly and ailing in long-term care facilities operated by the sisters. She died in 1984 at age 91. The Germantown, N.Y.-based Carmelite Sisters now operate 17 elder-care facilities around the country, plus one in Ireland. About 20 nuns from many of those facilities were on hand yesterday for the proceeding...
Read the rest here: Diocese of Metuchen investigating possible miracle

For those of you not familiar with New Jersey, the The World Apostolate of Fatima's Blue Army Shrine is also located in the diocese of Metuchen.

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