Thursday, May 28, 2009

A Holy Hour Reflection - Vocations to the Priesthood or Religious Life

St. John Vianney

JESUS: The children of the family have always the full liberty of choosing their career, on condition, however, that they decide to remain among the dangers of the world...

The parents respecting the wishes of their children as a sacred thing... prepare them for a brilliant position, an alluring future...

But if I venture to knock at the door of a Christian home...if My Divine Voice calls one of their daughters or one of their sons, in order to make of them a celestial spouse or an apostle of My glory...

Oh! then, the family protests...this vocation, they say, is but the fantasy of a moment, a dream that will disappear...

And these parents who know by bitter experience the agonies and deceptions of the world, cry out as against a thief when I call their children, whom I have but temporarily confided to their care...

Ah! how they forget that I am the Master of the destiny of these souls!...

The family is Christian, O grief, I alone am always the Fool.

WE RESPOND: O Jesus, we adore the divine folly of Thy Cross.

- Excerpt from Holy Hour by The Rev. Fr. Mateo Crawley-Boevey, SS.CC.
Book Four
National Center for the Enthronement

A Prayer for Vocations can be found at Intercession for Priests

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  1. Esther, just what we need for our priests! I just posted a prayer for Fr. Cutie and for all our priests.

    I thank you for the example you are showing us! God bless you abundantly!
