Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Prayer for the Dying

Passing the Oil Extreme Unction
Passing the Oil, Extreme Unction by Nicholas Poussin

May Christ Who was crucified for your sake
free you from excruciating pain.
May Christ Who died for you
free you from the death that never ends.
May Christ the Son of the living God,
set you in the ever green loveliness of His Paradise,
and may He, the true Shepherd
recognize you as one of His own.
May you see your Redeemer face to face
and standing in His presence forever,
may you see with joyful eyes
Truth revealed in all its fullness.


From the depths of my misery, I adore Thee and I give Thee thanks.
Thy holy Name was invoked over my cradle to be my profession of faith,
my plan of action,
and the only goal of my earthly pilgrimage.
Grant, O most Holy Trinity, that I may ever be inspired by this faith,
and may carry out this plan with perseverance,
so that, when I have reached the end of my journey upon Earth,
I may be able to fix my gaze upon the blessed splendors of Thy glory.


Thanks to Sue

twitter / catholicmominHI

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