Saturday, April 18, 2009

Mass and Adoration in Different Languages

Adoration St. Stephen
Adoration - St. Stephen's Paterson, NJ

My mother and I attended Mass and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament which followed the celebration of the Holy Mass, at St Stephen's Church's chapel.

Fr. Dariusz K. reminded everyone that tomorrow is Divine Mercy Sunday and that today was the 9th day of the Divine Mercy Novena.

The pastor and sacristan are both Polish and this is a predominantly Spanish-speaking community of parishioners.

When I closed my eyes and listened to the prayers of the Chaplet of Divine Mercy in the original Polish, I could almost hear the voice of our late Holy Father Pope John Paul II praying with us. What a beautiful language Polish is!

The Holy Mass and the prayers are often said in three languages: English, Spanish and Polish.

Today, I had the opportunity to pray the 9th day of the novena in Spanish. It may be because I had to pay more attention as I read it, but it really was more meaningful for me to read about the lukewarm souls in the Spanish language.

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