Sunday, March 08, 2009

What Book Did My Husband Read During Adoration?

Grace CafeYes, DH began reading Donna-Marie Cooper O'Boyle's book Grace Cafe.

When my family and I go for our Hour of Adoration, we bring a tote bag full of books to read should we care to do so, during our visit with Jesus. This week, a few of the choices included St. Josemaría Escrivá's The Way and Grace Cafe. Before I knew it, my husband was engrossed in reading Donna's book. He told me afterward, he thought it was beautifully written. He loved the clever way it was laid out with old-fashioned recipe cards. He said he could see it helping women to re-identify with the traditional values and the importance of being a wife and mother.

Dan: "Since I plan to continue reading this book, my initial impression is to recommend it anyone who needs a book that is thought-provoking and introspective in its Catholic spirituality."

So thank you Donna for writing a book that both my husband and I enjoy reading and one that makes us grow closer as a Catholic family.


  1. This is an excellent choice! I can understand why he would be so attracted to it.

    Grace Cafe is spiritually nourishing book, which contains: enlightening excerpts from papal encyclicals on love and the family, brief passages from the Catechism of the Catholic Church as well as the Holy Bible, penetrating quotes from some of my favorite saints (St. Therese of Lisieux, St. Maximilian Kolbe, St. Augustine, St. John of the Cross, and many more), personal anecdotes, practical tips, spiritual poems, miracle stories, prayers and much more.

    You can read my book review here:

  2. Thanks for the good reads. May I recommend one, "The Life of Faustina Kowalska: The Authorized Biography by Sister Sophia Michalenko" ... wow, what a great read. Excerpts from her diary... a must must read. :)


  3. Ooh, sounds like a wonderful recommendation! (Always looking...)

  4. Thanks Jean. I believe I did read your wonderful review. But I'll be sure to let Dan read it.

    Judy, Thanks for the recommendation!! I am not familiar with that one.

    It's good Lisa :-)

  5. Must add this to my Must Read list! I sounds enticing. Cathy

  6. Hi Esther,

    It's so nice to know that your husband liked my book, "Grace Cafe!" That's great that it can speak to men too. Please give my best to your dear husband.

    God bless your family this Lent!


  7. oh, it sounds just wonderful!!

  8. Cathy and Tracy, it is a good little Catholic handbook.

    I will Donna!
