Tuesday, March 10, 2009

St. Joseph Novena Starts Today

Death of St. Joseph
The following was shared by Madalena via email.
St Joseph is the patron of a Happy Death.

One day a woman emerged from confession to ST PIO OF PETRELCINA weeping profusely because he had told her that her three sons had already been lost forever, and they could have been saved if she had prayed for them.

This is confirmed by Our Blessed Mother at FATIMA: “So many souls are lost because they have no one to pray and make sacrifices for them”.

Let this not happen to any of our children.

In preparation for the Feast of St Joseph let us pray each day of the novena to take care of our children and obtain for them a happy death. Set out below is a prayer we can say for this intention, for each day of the novena and perhaps every day. Remember too that if you enroll any nearest and dearest as a third party living member you will have the holy souls praying for their salvation as well as yourself.

Prayer to St Joseph : "O Saint St Joseph, you who felt the tribulation and worry of a parent when Our Blessed Lord was lost, protect my dear children for time and eternity, may you be their father and counselor, let them like Jesus grow in age as well as in wisdom before God and men, preserve them from the corruption of this world and grant us the grace that one day we may be united in Heaven forever Amen
St Joseph pray and intercede for (name)

St Joseph pray and intercede for (name)

St Joseph pray and intercede for (name)

For I am their Mother/Father. AMEN.

St Joseph, Foster Father of Our Lord Jesus Christ and True Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary, pray for the dying of this day and this night."


Prayer for Employment

God our Father and Creator, You bestow on us gifts and talents to develop and use in accord with Your will.

Grant to me, thru the intercession of St. Joseph the Worker as model and guide, employment and work that I may with dignity provide for those who depend on me for care and support.

Grant me the opportunities to use my energy and my talents and abilities for the good of all, and the glory of Your name.



  1. Esther,
    I don't understand what "enroll a 3rd party member" means? And is what you have in this entry what we should pray all 9 days? I'm asking because my husband I want to do the novena - we determined that St. Joseph would be the patron saint of our family before we got married, but we've been neglectful......

  2. Charlotte, I believe it means you are not praying the novena for a happy death for yourself, but for another person's sake.

    Yes, you can use these prayers for the Novena to St. Joseph for a happy death...and the second one for employment.

    There is another one from EWTN

