Saturday, March 28, 2009

Prayer Request for My Dad

Prayer Request
Just about an hour ago, I received a telephone call telling me my dad had suffered a massive heart attack. My family and I would really appreciate your prayers for my dad and my mom.

Just yesterday, I read that Melissa was requesting prayers for her Oom Sam. BTW, please keep her Oom Sam in your prayers too. There she shared the following prayer:
Prayer for the Sick and Seniors
All praise and glory are yours,
Lord our God.
For you have called us to serve you and one another in love.
Bless our sick today so that they may bear their illness
in union with Jesus' sufferings and restore them quickly to health.
Bless those who have grown old in your service
and give them courage and strength in their faith.
Lead us all to eternal glory.
We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ,
Your Son, who lives and reigns with you
and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever.

twitter / catholicmominHI


  1. Dearest Esther,
    Please be assured of my prayers for your father and the rest of your family.
    Dear Lord, please look down on your suffering worker in the vineyard and heal him. Please wrap him in Your love.

  2. I will be praying.

    God bless,


  3. is late here in Jacksonville and I haven't yet begun my nightly devotions. Dan was out helping a friend with a computer issue, Nathan is at a sleepover and the girls and I fell asleep on the couch instead of doing our Rosary.
    I now think I know why God allowed me to wait until now to do it. Please know that my devotions tonight will be offered for your dad and your family.
    And...may the peace of God, which surpasses all yours tonight!

  4. My prayers are with him and your whole family Esther.

  5. Anonymous5:25 PM


    Holy Mass on Sunday...

    God Bless,

    James Mary

  6. so sorry to hear this Esther. I most certainly will pray for him.

  7. I will pray for your dear Dad, so sorry to hear this bad news. (((Big Hugs)))

  8. Hi Esther , I'm joining in prayers . Your father will be in my prayers and Rosary , may Lord hear our prayers and recover him from all illness . In Christ and His Holy Mother Mary , Danielle

  9. oh Esther, I'm so sorry, Prayers being offered up for you dad and entire family.. please update us when you can.. my heart is crying for you:(

  10. Dear Esther,
    We will all be praying for your Dad.

  11. Anonymous9:52 AM

    Prayers offered Esther!

  12. My prayers are with your father & your whole family.

    God Bless!

  13. Oh Esther, I am so sorry. My prayers will be with you and your family. May God grant you and your parents peace and hope in His always present love.
    A big big hug for you.

  14. Anonymous1:56 PM

    Just said a rosary in front of the Blessed Sacrament for your dad and your family.

  15. Esther, prayers for your father and for your family. Please let me know if I can do anything.

  16. Still praying, Esther! Give us an update when you can and know that you and all your family are in our prayers.

  17. Praying now for your father, your mom and for you and your family.

  18. You and your whole family are in my prayers. God bless you!

  19. I'm so sorry this is late and I hope and pray for you all!!!! Cathy

  20. Esther - prayers for your father and your entire family at this difficult time.
