Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Prayer in Time of Aridity

Heavenly Father,
I am enmeshed in a time of spiritual aridity.
You seem so far removed from me
and I cannot even pray.
I am deprived of all sensible consolations
which facilitate prayer and the practice of the virtues.
Yet I want to pray
and I want to remain close to you.

Let me realize the truth of the well-known axiom:
when we think God is furthest away from us
that is when he is closest to us.
Make me increase my efforts at prayer
even if I feel they are useless.
Keep me from being discouraged
and help me remain united with you.
Grant that I may regain my love for prayer
and grow in my relationship with you,
your Son Jesus,
and the Holy Spirit.

- New Saint Joseph People's Prayer Book, Catholic Book Publishing Company

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