Thursday, March 12, 2009

Prayer in a Bad Mood

Heavenly Father,
I awoke this morning in a bad mood
and I have been unable to shake it so far.
Everything bothers me
and everyone rubs me the wrong way.
I just cannot seem to get my true bearings.
Help me to think of your salvation-
your countless gifts and overwhelming love for me.

Let me relax and forget life's cares
by placing myself wholly in your hands.
Grant that this mood will soon pass
and I will be able to bask in your love
and communicate it to others.


- New Saint Joseph People's Prayer Book, Catholic Book Publishing Company


  1. have absolutely no idea how much this prayer was EXACTLY this moment! I have done nothing but yell at my kids today! I feel like I need confession after this week! I'm really struggling right now! Please pray for me! I think the lack of estrogen is beginning to have an effect....severe moodiness and irritability! I'm desperate right now! Thank you so much for posting this.

  2. This really is one I need to have on file! Thanks :-)

  3. I am praying Nancy.

    I saw this on your blog tto :-)

    YW Squelly.
