Saturday, March 07, 2009

Prayer for a Person Disliked

I will try to post prayers that we may need during this season of Lent.
Lord Jesus Christ,
you told us to love our neighbor.
I know that this does not mean that I must like everyone,
but simply that I must wish everyone well
and extend my help to all who need it.
I dislike N.
No matter what I try,
I cannot seem to get along with that person.
The only thing I can do is to ask
that you shower your blessings on him/her.

Let me recall that for our sake
you put up with the infinite weaknesses and imperfections
of the whole world.
Help me then not to be so antagonistic to that person,
but to try to bear with him/her
for your sake.

- New Saint Joseph People's Prayer Book,
Catholic Book Publishing Company


  1. This is a good prayer to keep handy! Thanks. It seems in our times there is more and more discontent which many give into making them less than pleasant.

  2. Oh, wow. I hate to say that I need this prayer, but, gee... There have been times and people and events, where it has been (and will be) very useful! Printing this one out to put in my book. Thanks, Esther!

  3. I love this. I've been praying for an "N." in my life.

    This isn't in my St. Joseph Daily Prayer book, so I will be looking for that at the Catholic bookstore very soon.

    Thanks, Esther!


  4. Alexandra, I think we can all use this prayer at one time or another.

    Lisa, that is a good idea.

    Julie, mine was published in 1980.

  5. Quite honestly a prayer I can and should use daily. Will add it to my treasury! Thank you! Cathy

  6. I know what you mean Cathy.
