Sunday, February 08, 2009

Reminder - Novena for Conversion of America

Just a reminder that the Novena for the conversion of America is currently underway. I do want to thank the person who originally left this comment on my blog, for sharing this with me.
Another 72 day Conversion of America novena will begin on January 25th, the Feast of the Conversion of St. Paul, and end on April 6th (Monday of Holy Week) Please help spread the word! If you come late, simply start at a later date and end later also. People may also become "American Sentinels" by pledging to pray the rosary every day over the next four years! ***

Conversion of America Novena - Day 15: Sorrowful Mysteries Rosaries Pledged: 44810

Rosaries for Life


  1. Anonymous2:25 AM

    Off track, any idea what happened to the "Catholic Mom of 10 Revisited" blog? I tried to visit, but was directed to a message that stated the blog was removed. Too bad. I enjoyed reading about Jackie's faith, her large family and her life.
    Prayers for her, and hopefully, she'll resume blogging in the future.

  2. Gail, no I didn't realize her blog was gone today. I visited yesterday and it was fine. If I learn anything, I will let you know.

  3. Gail: Another blogger told me she stopped for family reasons.
