Monday, February 09, 2009

Prayer Request for Australia

Prayer Request
Please keep the people of Australia in your prayers. The devastating fires in Victoria have killed over 170 people. Article

Not only are the people and animals suffering from the extreme heat, they now have to endure this suffering as well. Pray especially for our blogging friends down under, like Marie, Elena and Therese


  1. Many thanks for your prayers my friend:). My family have donated to the Victorian Fire appeal via the CommonWealth bank I hope my fellow Aussies will be generous.

    Peace and love to you always:)

    Marie xooxoxox

  2. Marie, many people are praying.

    Peace and love

  3. Anonymous4:25 PM

    Thank you Esther - this is so beautiful of you. It's such a warming feeling to know that people all around the world are praying for the bushifre victims in Victoria .... and for us too. It really does affect us all.
    God Bless you -
    Love you in Jesus' name,
    Elena x

  4. Elena, I remember when HI had an earthquake a few years ago. I was so touched by my blogging friends reaching out to me to see if we were okay and praying for us.
