Friday, February 13, 2009

Help for Troubled Marriages or to Make a Good Marriage Better - The Alexander House

Some of you may have caught the founders of The Alexander House on EWTN's Life on the Rock last evening. What an interesting story this couple shared! They were on their way to divorcing when they were saved by the grace of God. In order to help other couples in their situation, they found The Alexander House. The following is from their Mission Statement.
Our Mission

The Alexander House is a national, not for profit, lay apostolate dedicated to marriage education and enrichment through the teachings of John Paul II and the teachings of the Catholic Church. We assist married couples, troubled couples, engaged couples, young adults, high school/middle school youth, priests, and dioceses.

Our Vision

To see a society full of married couples who are living God’s plan for marriage, so that the joy, sanctity and permanence of the sacrament may be realized and preserved.

Our Goal Is

To preserve the marriage covenant, build strong families and lower the divorce rate by helping individuals to discover the beauty and grandeur of the vocation to love and the service of life through marriage, family, church and community.

Our Motto

To be a witness to God's Glory one must be humble enough to share one's story with others. By our example of repenting and turning to God, we reveal the redeeming power of God. We make what is perceived to be intangible, tangible!

The Name

As a result of coming to understand and live out God's design for marriage Greg and Julie felt called to create a vehicle that would allow others to experience the same happiness and joy that they discovered in their marriage. They also believe that all we need to know about marriage should be taught in the home, hence the word house. Because it was from their own wounds that they (the Alexander's) began to educate and help to heal others in their marriages; it was only logical that this apostolate should be called the Alexander House.

The Alexander House collaborates with parents, churches, schools, higher education, industry and community groups to provide programs, workshops, seminars, retreats and resources to increase the understanding and education of God's plan for the Sacrament of Marriage and to stop and reverse the decline of marriage in our society. It also pledges its allegiance to the Holy Father and is loyal to the Magisterium of the Catholic Church.

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