Sunday, January 11, 2009

St. Therese's Novena

St. Therese
I completed a novena to St. Therese yesterday. I have not received any shower of roses or even one rose for that matter. However, I have received or read three emails/blog posts about St. Therese and her photo. In fact, even one of my brothers in law who has a big devotion to St. Therese (or as my sister says, a big connection) emailed me today, something he rarely does.

So, does that mean she will be answering my prayers? I believe so...


  1. Absolutely!! When my grandmother passed away, and my son came up to the coffin he saw an image of St. Therese. Later when he heard us talking about Gramma's roses he looked again and realized it was roses on her coffin. She and my mom and aunt have always been very devoted.

  2. What a wonderful St. Therese story. Thanks Mary.

  3. Anonymous12:32 PM

    HI. I also completed the Novena 12/08 and didn't receive any message. I restarted the Novena today. I hope my prayers will be answered.

  4. I hope so too Bonnie.

  5. Anonymous2:28 PM

    I once did a novena to St Therese for a priest friend to come to our parish. I remember I never got my rose. Well, one day on my way to Mass I found a beautiful single rose in the parking lot (still in it's cellophane wrapping.) As I sat there after mass, one of my friends past me by and told me that the priest was coming to our parish (It was probably a year since I had done the novena and had forgotten all about it, until I realized why I found the rose that day

  6. Bernadette, that is a wonderful story of St. Therese answering a prayer. Thanks for sharing.


  8. Mitthu, I will be praying for you and your friend. God bless.
    Please feel free to stop by any time.

  9. I also prayered a novena to Saint Therese and asked her to ask God if the person I care about would send me a message. I am not sure whether it's God's will for us to be together and I still did not receive any message from him. However, on the last day of my Novena, I woke up early and went to the Insurance Company and while sitting on a chair and talking to an unknowned lady I noticed a picture of a Saint holding a cross with roses. At the same moment I received a phone call but the number was hidden. When I answered nobody answered back. I did't think about this much as I wasn't sure who was the Saint on the picture. Later on, I came to the bus station and saw a girl with a beautiful yellow rose. I was so happy to see it, I really don't remember when I saw a rose last time. When I came back home I decided to search for image of Saint Therese and cannot describe how I felt when I saw a picure of Saint Therese that was the same as the one I saw in the office. Maybe these are all only coincidences but I also fee that Saint Therese is telling me that I shouldn't give up on him. I am not asking her anything anymore if it's not God's will and I've just started another novena to her. I believe that even if I don't get what I want, that my prayer will be answered in some other way which will also be better for mine and his soul.

  10. Anonymous10:36 AM

    I also prayed a novena to Saint Therese and asked her to ask God if the person I care about would send me a message. However, on the last day of my Novena, I wake up early and went to the Insurance Company and while sitting on a chair and talking to an unknown lady I noticed a picture of a Saint holding a cross with roses. At that moment I received a phone call but the number was hidden. When I answered nobody answered back. I did't think about this much as I wasn't sure who was the Saint on the picture. Later on, I came to the bus station and saw a girl with a beautiful yellow rose. I was so happy to see it, I really don't remember when I saw a rose last time. When I came back home I decided to search for image of Saint Therese and cannot describe how I felt when I saw a picture of Saint Therese that was the same as the one I saw in the office. Maybe these are all only coincidences but I also feel that Saint Therese is telling me that I shouldn't give up on him. I am not asking her anything anymore if it's not God's will and I've just started another novena to her. I believe that even if I don't get what I want, that my prayer will be answered in some other way, which will also be better for mine and his soul.

  11. Patience, my "answer" was similar. Whatever happens we have to rely on God's will.

  12. Amanda6:32 PM

    Hi...I will be finishing my novena for St. Therese in 2 more days and i really hope i get a rose i am so anxious to know if i will or not i prayed to get married to the man i love so much his family are getting in the way of our love so i hope St. Therese will be here for me.

  13. Amanda, some people receive a card with a rose, some smell roses, etc., so keep your eyes and ears peeled.

  14. Anonymous7:57 AM

    I hope I don't shock anyone here. I was born with gender dysphoria and had gender reassignment surgery twenty two years ago. I have been through a lot in my life (rape, verbal, emotional abuse, discrimination, beatings, force out of college... Even though the catholic church does not accept my condition, I was raised in the catholic faith and have always had a deep connection with saints and the church. You can believe me that I am carrying my cross with respect for God and dignity in my life. I was married for eleven years and my husband decided to divorce me for wanting a life style I was not interested in (promiscuity). I was devastated. Came back to my home country (Brazil), became hypertense, ended up back in California, and had a kidney failure (two weeks in the hospital almost died). As I left UCLA med center all doctors told me that I was going into dialysis in about 6 months and put me in the transplant list. I was born with only one functioning kidney (right one never developed properly). It has been 6 years since kidney failure, and I never had a day of dialysis. I am now out of the list, only have to take two meds (started with five) and back in Brazil. About a month after leaving hospital I started the novena. my mom & dad had travelled to USA to see me at the hospital and mom (VERY catholic) gave me the lil card with the novena behind lil flower's photo. I completed it. Anothe month passed, I was at the beach with my then boyfriend taking some pictures of sunset. I put my feet near the water and looked down, there was a perfectly intact yellow rose awashing on my feet, right there, right before the sun went down (it would get dark briefly and I might not have seen the flower). I picked it up and have it perfectly dried to this day. My novena was for me to be fully cured from my kidney condition, and for never to need dialysis or kidney transplant> My prayer has been answered. More: last year, talking with my mom about this whole incident and all I had to go through since my divorce my mom mentioned that her (adoptive) dad was a great devotee to St Therese lil Flower which I had not known before. He died of a massive heart attack at 40 something years of age. More: his wife, the lady who adopted my mom when she was five y.o., the one I had always known as my maternal grandma was taking care of me and my sibilings (three) one evening when my parents were out (she lived with us) and my peepee got stuck in the pants' zipper. I screamed so badly. She told me fearcefully to put my hand on the zipper and told me to start praying "Hail Mary, Mother of God..." and started praying with me. At the very end, when we both said "Amem" I felt something, took my hand out and to my surprize the zipper had broken in half and my private parts had been freed from it [the pants were brand new, I can still remember the sight of the shiny metal zipper and how much it hurt]. My tears turned into astonishment, and at that moment, age nine, I realized the power of God, the power of prayer, and the power of LOVE.

  15. Anonymous7:47 PM

    hi, im shiena marie maƱalac from philippines, i've known st. therese when i was about to take again the nursing board exam here in the philippines (it is a requirement so i will be able to practice nursing here), i saw the novena prayer at the back of my reviewer and then read it but not everyday, until i'ved realized that it would just take a minute of my life so why not read it everyday..not only for nine days, i hope to PASSED THE EXAM, the result will be released on february next year,, i would be happy to inform you about it,, pleased pray for me also,, thankyou....thank you st. therese,,,

  16. Thank you Shiena for sharing that. Did you receive any rose?

  17. Anonymous7:32 PM

    Please don't give up. I said the novena back in nov. 2008 and I asked for a sign a single rose and I got my rose then in Dec 08 I did the novena again and I asked for a 2nd sign a small white teddy bear that would fit in the palm of my hand and I got my sign. I started the novena again this Jan 9 ,2010 in I have seen great signs and I am speechless. I asked for my spouse to come to me. I am 41yrs old single, never married and no children. I do have a man in my life but like most of them this one needs a lot of prayer and St Therese have been changing this man little by little but I ask God to bring me my spouse and to help this man in all aspects of his life and it it's gods will for us to be together then let it be his will. Please don't lose faith and keep praying to the little flower.

  18. I have just finished my very first Novena to Saint Therese, it is also my first Novena.
    I want to say thank you to Saint Therese for hearing my prayers.

  19. Anonymous5:29 PM

    WOW! I didnt understand the novena until I read these posts, 9 years ago I said this novena to st therese and I remembered I had a dream of a garden filled with white roses, its only now that I realize that it was a sign.

  20. Lisa and A., thanks for sharing.

  21. i finished my novena on Monday, 15/02/2010, yeah i didn't receive a rose but i did get blessings in a different way.

    I'd been praying for a job and as much as i didn't get a job offer i received payment from my former place of work after 4 months of waiting and more still my priest came to visit me and told me that he'd been sent to tell me that i should continue praying and that all my sins had been forgiven!!!

    It's just amazing! It takes hope and faith to get this going...Try it! IT WORKS!!!

    If you don't receive a rose, then you will still get the rose in a different form of blessing!!! That's for sure!

    St. Therese of the Child Jesus, Pray for Us.

  22. Thank you so much for sharing your story!

  23. Anonymous11:12 AM

    If I pray the novena and ask for a sign such as roses, do i have to specify a color in order for me to know the answer to my prayers? or is it enough to see any roses?

  24. A, I don't think you even have to ask for a rose as a sign, let alone a specific color. I have had friends who received a card with a rose, or a single stem rose from an unexpected source.

  25. nyambura9:02 PM

    i said the novena to the little flower about my job and contract and I asked her for a pink rose as a sign that my prayer was heard and would be answered. I saw pink roses each day of the novena and on day 8 of the novena i saw the most beautiful deep pink roses i have ever seen in the oddest of place, i was so touched i almost cried. I know my prayer is about to be answered. Thank you St Therese and Jesus My Lord.

  26. Nyambura, wow! Thanks for sharing your experience.

  27. i made my first novena to st. therese more tan ten years back and the answer came exactly three days after. that changed my life tremendously. am now making a novena and is on my fifth day. i asked for a rose. on the 3rd day, i was surfing one of my favorite blog and saw a picture of many roses. today, while cleaning up my cabinet at work, i chanced upon an unopened gift. when i opened it, its a bottle of liquid soap with a rose scent and a picture of a rose on it. i have yet to know if my prayer will be granted, but st. therese seem to assure me that things will be fine.

  28. Wonderful Ela! Thanks for sharing your story.

  29. Anonymous5:07 AM

    When I was 7, I was walking home from school and found a perfect red rose on the ground. I picked it up and brought it home. We were not a particularly affectionate family, but I laid the rose on my mother's pillow. About an hour later, my mother started screaming in joy, asking where the rose came from. Apparently she was saying the St. Therese Novena and her rose told her her prayers would be answered.
    Forty years later, I found myself in immense sorrow from breaking up with the Love of my Life. I decided to find the Novena and say it myself. No one knew I was praying to my patron Saint Therese.
    On the second day of the Novena, I walked in my kitchen and found a flower deliver in a box on my kitchen counter. My sons had accepted the delivery and made no mention it arrived.
    I was scared to open it. I was afraid it was a delivery of daisies, or tulips. Instead, I opened the box to find a dozen beautiful red roses. The roses were sent by my brother. When I called him, crying with joy, I asked him why he sent me roses, as he is a practical man who isn't a "flower-sender." He responded that he wanted to send me a plant to cheer me up (I am devistatingly heartbroken over the loss of my boyfriend) and the roses kept standing out in the flower catalog. He was afraid it might send the wrong message, a brother sending his sister red roses, but his urge to send the red roses was so strong, he decided to send them anyway.
    I know St. Therese sent me a very strong sign that my Love will come back to me healthier, purer in his love and want to get married and make a full commitment to me. In the Novena, it asks the Lord to give me patience and strength in my times of sorrow and it showed me that I must trust in God's Will to wait, but I believe the message is there that I will one day be happy again, with my Love at my side.
    Thank you, St. Therese.

  30. A, I hope your prayers are answered. God bless,

  31. Anonymous11:09 AM

    If i were to say the novena to St. Therese, which one is it? Is there a website I can check out for how to pray the daily 9 day novena? How will i know if my prayers are answered?

  32. Here is one from EWTN:
    As for when you know when and if your prayer has been answered, traditionally, you will receive a sign through a rose.

  33. celina2:22 AM

    I just finished a 9-day novena to St. Therese for an approval of an employment pass here in Singapore. (I am a foreigner and for me to work here, I need to have an approved pass from Ministry of Manpower). I also have another 9-day novena of 24 Glory Be's. Since I am alone most of the time in this rented house and no one gives me flowers, I am very happy to see orange and pink flowers on my way to church. I am on my 2nd day of another 9 day novena to St. Therese of the Child Jesus and just after the mass today, as I kissed the statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary, I was surprised to see white roses at Mama Mary's side. I was happy to kiss Mama Mary for I would have never seen those white roses as I could not see them so well during the mass as I have poor eyesight and I didn't bring my eyeglasses with me. I hope to see the result of my employment pass application next week.

  34. Aaron7:00 AM

    I'm 21 and have prayed the novena since I was in middle school. I must admit that when I have completed the Novena I have had my prayers answered.I know when I'm asking for something that is ridiculous and I think it's divine intervention that I don't complete those prayers. Anyways, I have only recieved a rose once out of all the times I've prayed. My mother has prayed this and recieved a rose as well. It's something special that warms your heart. You just have to have faith and not look for the rose. Let the rose come to you and if it doesn't that doesn't mean God wont answer your prayer. He hears everything. He knows whats best and if your prayer isn't answered, there is a real good reason why. Give it time and I hope you get your prayer. :)

  35. Thank you Aaron and Celina.

  36. celina7:25 PM

    Just a continuation of my story...

    I already got an approval of my employment pass today... Thanks a lot, St. Therese for asking God to grant this request!

    Last week, when I said the novena to St. Therese, I saw not just a rose but a tree of orange and pink roses on my way to church and lastly, white roses when I kissed the statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary. For me, that was St. Therese's way of answering my prayers.

    I am on my way to St. Teresa Church in Bukit Merah.

    I have also called my mom and sister to offer a dozen of eggs and a thanksgiving mass for St. Therese in the Carmelites Church in Cebu, Philippines.

  37. I started my novena on the feast of the assumption of Mary. Today is day 5. Unsure of whether it is a 5 or 9 day novena, but will continue through 9. Have not seen a rose...but have faith.

  38. Anonymous8:17 AM

    I had said the novena between 9-17 few months back and i asked for a fresh red rose.I am staying in kuwait. i never seen a real rose ever in kuwait. but few days back i received a fresh red rose.I really dont know how to thank st therese.

  39. Wow, what a witness to her answering your prayers.

  40. Hi,
    My love for St. Therese goes back several years...She has ALWAYS been like a sister, whose love never ceases to exist right by my side. I know I can always go to St. Therese and she will listen to me and help me. I pray the novenas all the time, and I have had my prayers answered! The rose always comes, too, either a real rose, or a picture of a rose, or an email mentioning St. Therese and roses. The greatest favor I can ever ask of her is to be like her - approaching life with humility and being content to be a 'little flower' in God's garden. He sees everything, and will appreciate all sacrifices.
    God Bless. Never lose faith, never stop praying.

  41. Anonymous6:48 AM

    I have been praying to st therese for a month now everyday many times a day. i think i have recieved many signs from her. i have prayed to her before and recieved signs very similar to the ones i have been recieving and she answered my prayers. the one sign i have recieved that stood out to me was when i walking in a restaurant and while i was waiting for food i was watching the tv and next to the tv was a picture of a red rose and the sign said rose shrimp. very unexpected. my prayers have not been answered yet, however i do still have faith, i was hoping for some advice

  42. All I can say is continue to have faith. But remember, sometimes, God's will is different than ours.

  43. Anonymous10:39 AM

    i am just really hurt and dont know what to do. i am at a very low point in my life and they only person that matters left me. i pray he will come back. ii dont know what to do anymore?

  44. I don't presume to know what God's will is for you. Perhaps though, He has something else or someone else in mind for you. Try to accept His Divine Will.
    God bless,

  45. My mother is devoted to St. Therese, and so is my sister and at least one of my sisters in-law. My mom even named one of my brothers Terence because he was born on St. Therese's feast day. I generally pray a lot and I've prayed to St. Therese a number of times in the past but unlike my mom or my sisters, I never really got any rose or any clear answer to my prayers. I always found this disheartening. Right now, I'm in a tight spot as I heard from my client that their business isn't doing very well and they may need to let me go by the end of next week. I'm at the end of my rope and am becoming increasingly worried about all the bills I have to pay and could end up in some serious trouble if I don't find a job immediately. I do intend to start a novena today, but to be honest, I didn't have much hope. That is, at least, until I read some of the comments here. Knowing that it sometimes takes a year for things to come to fruition has rekindled that spark of hope in me. I'll keep praying and keep believing, but I do hope my prayer is answered soon.

  46. I would also suggest praying Bl. Mother Teresa's favorite novena...9 Memorare prayers in a row.

    1. Anonymous3:16 AM

      hi Esther,
      just want to share with you and all...i did the Mother Theresa's novena and it was amazing....i had financial trouble and need an amount money to solve my problem on that particular weeks.....after few days i received from customers (i'm a customer service line) about $550 tips in total...i was so surprised an indeed MotherTheresa has helped me...Thank you Mother Theresa...Thank Mother Mary...Thank Lord Jesus...Thankyou God in heaven.....Praise to You. ......amen.

  47. Anonymous2:27 AM

    Hello I've been praying to St Therese. I started on the 9 day novena. Im not done yet but today I started a 9 hour novena, on my 3rd hour after praying I saw a picture of a single rose. I thank St Therese for that, now I don't know if this means that my prayer has been answered. I prayed to have my boyfriend talk to me. He has been avoiding me when I call, does this mean I can call him now? Please advise me.

  48. Dear A., only God knows whether or not He will answer your prayers through St. Therese's intercession. Ask to do His will.

  49. Stephanie9:39 AM

    Hi, I am a mother of 3 lovely boys! In sept 2010 my husband and I wanted to try for another child. I started my novena to St. Theresa to have a healthy baby girl. On day 3 on a walk with my children I got bombarded with the smell of fresh roses, I turned and saw a garden full of them! Second guessing if that was my sign I kept on with my prayers and on day 5 I recieved the most amazing sign! My son slept over at his grandparents house and the next day he came home and brought my 5 pink roses from his grandparents garden! The neatest thing was that there was 1 big rose(me), 3 smaller roses(my boys), & 1 baby rose(girl) underneath! I got chills instantly and told him thank you, these mean a lot to me! He then told me that he knew that these were important for me! Wow! Well, after a few months of trying we found out we were pregnant! I will found out what we are having in 3 weeks! I just know I'm having my 'lil rose'! Thank You St. Theresa, you are truelly amazing!

  50. Royce6:52 AM

    I dearly love St. Therese and have had several novenas said on behalf of my family. I have been ill and unable to work and my husband was frantic about the bills. My younest daughter was lonely and wondering if she would ever find someone who would love her for herself. My oldest daughter was having trouble at work with a bully supervisor and school. To make a long story short, The week following the novena I did not recieve a rose.I did however receive a $7000.00 check for months that had not been paid, my youngest daughter called to say she was approached and asked out by "the most wonderful man in the world" and it wouldnt surprize us if she gets married before the end of the year, the bully at the job after threatening everyone'slife and limb was terminated, and without that constant threat was able to concentrate on school. I did not get a rose. Thank you St. Therese.

  51. Thank you very much for sharing your story Royce!

  52. Anonymous11:06 AM

    Hi, I am in day 5 of a 9-day novena. As I opened my email today, there was a message from the St. Therese website and a rose at the bottom. Can I assume that my prayer will be answered? Thank you.

  53. I really don't know. I would hope and pray that it is answered. If not, accept it as God's will.

  54. 15 years ago, i was still in highschool when i started the novena. i taught my then, 6 year old sister the same novena. i did not receive any rose, however, my 6 year old sister did. our uncle was the one who gave her a white rose out of no where. no one except me knew she was doing the novena. and i asked her what she wished for, and she said for our uncle (the one who gave her the rose) to have a baby since they have been married for a long time and they have been unsuccessfully trying to have a baby. after a week when the rose was given to her, there was news that there was a baby for them waiting to be adopted. now, they live happily with their only child. the one they adopted 15 years ago.

  55. luv: What a beautiful story of St. Therese intercession!! Mahalo for sharing.

  56. I got an sms yesterday (20.05.2011) from my cousin, that they are praying strongly for me and my 4 year daughter (Novena of St. Therese)who was kidnapped from me by her father more than month ago. I have known the worst pain in this world. I prayed every day to God, and God has been taking me through, increasing my faith everyday. Today 21.05.2011, searched for the Novena of St. Therese, in Google, and found it. I prayed this Novena today 21.05.2011 and did not ask for any Rose, but prayed faithfully to St. Therese to incess for me to God, that I may see and have my daughter again. I went today to my boss at work, who had invited me for a talk during this hard time, and she gave me a gift, a real small Rose plant with red blossoming roses on it, and I told her all about the power of St.Therese, which was a very touching momemt for both of us. Until now I still dont know the whereabouts of my loving daughter, but I believe very strongly, that, God himself will bring my baby back to me. My brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ, trust and believe in the power of prayer. God is so good, and he always answers and listens to our prayers. I have never prayed the Novena of St. Therese in my love, although I heard about her, and today I did it, and got a Rose Plant, From today on will hold on strongly in prayer through the intercession of St. Therese. "This is the day the Lord has made, we shall rejoice in it, Amen. Stellah

  57. I got an sms yesterday (20.05.2011) from my cousin, that they are praying strongly for me and my 4 year daughter (Novena of St. Therese)who was kidnapped from me by her father more than month ago. I have known the worst pain in this world. I prayed every day to God, and God has been taking me through, increasing my faith everyday. Today 21.05.2011, searched for the Novena of St. Therese, in Google, and found it. I prayed this Novena today 21.05.2011 and did not ask for any Rose, but prayed faithfully to St. Therese to incess for me to God, that I may see and have my daughter again. I went today to my boss at work, who had invited me for a talk during this hard time, and she gave me a gift, a real small Rose plant with red blossoming roses on it, and I told her all about the power of St.Therese, which was a very touching momemt for both of us. Until now I still dont know the whereabouts of my loving daughter, but I believe very strongly, that, God himself will bring my baby back to me. My brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ, trust and believe in the power of prayer. God is so good, and he always answers and listens to our prayers. I have never prayed the Novena of St. Therese in my love, although I heard about her, and today I did it, and got a Rose Plant, From today on will hold on strongly in prayer through the intercession of St. Therese. "This is the day the Lord has made, we shall rejoice in it," Please pray with me for my dearest loving daughter to be found and be brought back to me, this pain is unbearable, but with the power of prayer and believe in God, everything is bearable, Amen. Stellah.

  58. Four years ago my daughter and her boyfriend were going through a difficult time and seemed to be on the verge of breaking up. I was pretty certain he was the right one for her and was saddened by all of this. I began a novena to St. Therese. On the last day of the Novena (and the day after they had broken up) I had a picture of roses posted on my Facebook page by a friend (who had no idea of the novena or the problems). Two days later my daughter's boyfriend called her to say he'd made a mistake and didn't want to break up at all. 4 months later they got engaged and they've now been married for nearly three years and are parents of a two year old daughter. The day he called I knew that St. Therese had been busy doing good things.

  59. Anonymous4:01 PM

    I said the novena to St. Theresa to save my marriage. On the 9th day I had not received or seen roses and went to bed early. I also that night said the 24 Glory Be's in the name of St. Theresa that I would receive some communication from my husband who would not speak to me. At 10:15 pm a text on my phone woke me up. It was from my son, who had sent me a picture of a bunch of wild roses and a message of "I love you" (he had no idea that I was saying this novena). I asked him what the flowers were and he said "wild roses, I picked them in my friend's mom's house - she is swimming in them and I thought they would cheer you up" I received such comfort that St. Theresa had sent me a sign and went to sleep. Next morning, at around 7 I was awakened with another message on my phone. It was a nice kind email from my husband. That was this morning. I have total confidence and trust in St. Theresa that she will intercede with God for me and save my marriage. Thank you St. Theresa, I love you.

  60. Anonymous6:49 PM

    I once prayed a novena to St. Therese asking for guidance about a boy. It seems like a silly thing to ask about, but I was really torn about him and was about to go to college. I prayed everyday asking if this was something special that I shouldn't let go this easy, and if so if I could recieve a sign from God. After I finished my novena I had gone to get my haircut. A lady walked in the small salon and said in a excited voice, "What beautiful roses you have outside!" I then remembered I was supposed to recieve a rose. I walked outside and saw nothing but roses planted all along the sidewalk. I'm not sure how I missed them walking in but there they all were. I'm still dating this boy to this day, years later. He has made me a better person and I know he is now the man I will someday marry. I really feel that if you keep God in mind he will make straight your paths. My novena made sure I stayed on the right path.

  61. Anonymous9:36 AM

    Does it have to be a real rose?

  62. Thanks all for sharing!!

    No, it does not have to necessarily be a real rose.

  63. Anonymous7:38 AM

    I've recently broken up with my boyfriend and I'm 5 days into the novena!2day as I was watchin a movie which I've been postponing to watch,I saw a bunch of roses through out da whole movie n I have hope dat my bf will come back!I'm really touched n I couldn't stop cryin when I saw em thank u St Therese

  64. Anonymous11:29 AM

    I have been blessed by St. Therese almost a year now. Sometimes I say simple prayers and she answers the day after! Once, in Adoration, I asked God to show me my vocation through the intercession of St. Therese. I asked that a red rose be given to me if I "wasn't meant to know yet", a yellow for "religious life", and a white for "married life". THE NEXT DAY, my mother had received bags of flowers to sort from a family member's funeral. I went to lay down (because I felt sick) but my mother grabbed my arm and asked that I stay and help her. The very first flower she pulls and places in front of me is a white rose. Thank you, St. Therese!

  65. Just thought you'd like to know that scheduled the following:

    Miracle of Saint Therese
    This acclaimed feature film made in France in 1959 follows the life of Carmelite nun, St. Therese of Lisieux from her childhood through her death and explores her unique spirituality, known as the Little Way.
    Wed. Sept. 28 at 1 PM ET
    Sat. Oct. 1 at 8 PM ET

  66. The following comment is from an email Emily sent me. I am posting it for her:

    You probably don't remember me but a year ago I did receive a single red rose from someone without manipulating the situation...and back then I had been praying from St.Therese of child Jesus... and I asked you why I haven't I received the favor that I asked..and you for one moment you said perhaps the answer is no...I love to share you something that I do wish everybody will St. Therese said as i understood it God would not put any desire in your heart that He himself doesn't desire..I do believe the answer to everyone's prayer request are 1.YES 2.NOT YET 3.I HAVE BETTER THAN YOU ASK FOR
    My prayer request finally come to pass! Thank for your beautiful soul for giving time to support everyone's prayer..again thank you.

  67. I was afraid to commit to marriage. I made a Novena to St Therese and asked her to send me a rose to let me know if the man who had proposed to me was "the right one" for me. I was sitting at the kitchen table with my Mom and had no sooner finished telling her about my Novena when there was a knock at our front door. When I opened the door, the elderly man from across the street was standing there with a beautiful red rose! Smiling he handed me the rose and said "this is for my favorite photographer." Needless to say I trusted in St Therese and have been married for 26 years. Thank You Little Flower With love, Alice

  68. Wonderful testimony Alice. Thanks so much for sharing!

  69. Anonymous8:19 AM

    Mother was dying from cancer--began novena to St. Theresa--she received yellow roses in 3 instances from 3 different people two weeks prior to her death. I always tell this amazing story.

  70. What a beautiful story of a happy death!

  71. so far i'm on day 7 of a St Therese novena and she popped up in an interesting way! I was on Pinterest and this picture was of a photo/artwork arrangement on a wall and a picture of St Therese was in the mix of all the framed art work. Nothing else in the picture could really be made out and there she was!!!

  72. Oh wow! Thanks for sharing Janelle!

  73. Amber5:08 PM

    I prayed a novena to St Therese, about 3 months ago, I was very specific, I asked for no roses if the man in my life was not brought in my life by God, 1 rose if he was brought to me to be a friend and lessons to be taught to eachother, 2 or more if he was whom God intended for me to be with and that I had to be patient and give him the time he needed to get over a previous relationship. After I finished the novena for a week I kept seeing bunches of roses, than on the 7th or 8th day i recieved a dozen roses from a patient of mine. I have said the Immaculate Conception novena and again the St Therese since than regarding this situation, I recieve my signs again for both...I asked for an angel with roses from my second St. Therese novena, and was at a family funeral 2 days after finishing the novena and there was a angel statue with roses on it. The guy is kinda backing away from me and Im not sure why I recieved my signs, please help me, Im kinda confused.....

  74. Dear Anonymous:
    I think you are looking for signs when you should be putting your trust in God. He is the one who ultimately decides what happens in our lives. Whether or not He wills to answer our prayers, we should be grateful. St. Therese and the other saints are just intercessors. We ask them to intercede on our behalf and they in turn ask God for us.

  75. Anonymous10:10 AM

    If I start to pray the Novena to St. Therese, On the 3rd or 4th day, I'll start to see roses, then I'm very sure, all my prayers were already anwered, and they were!, that's why I'll be a forever devotee of St. Therese!

  76. I said this Novena for my daughter to get a teacher's job. On the last day of my novena I was cleaning the kitchen top and found a rose underneath some mail which apparently my 4 year old granddaughter picked from the garden. I felt happy because I realised my prayer was going to be answered. On that day at 7.30 pm my daughter got a call from the Principal of a school inviting her to an interview, when she rang and told me I said with confidence to her that the job was hers. After the interview she was informed by the Principal that the job was hers and to start work the next week, I can't explain my gratitude to St. Therese and my faith in this Novena.

  77. Anonymous11:49 AM

    Is it true that for the novena to be done correctly, that it must be done before 11 am?

  78. I never heard that. I think you can do a novena whenever you want to.

  79. Anonymous4:48 AM

    I just started my novena today. I am a divorced 43 year old man. My life is in such dire straits right now. I hope to God my prayer is anwered.

  80. I would also suggest Bl. Mother Teresa of Calcutta's favorite novena...9 Memorare prayers in a row.

    God bless,

  81. Anonymous3:40 PM

    I said the novena for guidance, when I was on the fifth day, I pulled up to my sisters house to pick up my daughter and seen something shining in the grass, I picked it up and it was a bead from a bracelet that had a bunch of Saints beads on it(I know this because my Mom had bought us all one)the bead that I had found had roses on was St.Therese's bead. Im alot happier then I was before I said that novena, things kind of fell into place ;)

  82. Ah! Thanks for sharing!

  83. I have never gotten a rose. I pray to St Therese all the time. She has always answered my prayers. Sometimes, I get a compromise, sometimes it's all in the timing for the answer to come, and sometimes the answers are better than I ever expected, they just blow me away. And then there are the times I just have to look for them like a little treasure hunt, but they are there, wow really they are!! But I have never gotten a rose, don't know why, but I will never ever question it any more than this and never ever complain. Thank you, St Therese.

  84. Anonymous5:54 AM

    My godmother gave us a prayer card to St Therese when my grandmother was home on hospice in Fall 1993. It was a very difficult time for my family especially my mom who was grandmom's daughter. Grandmom lived with us for over 25 years and was like a second mother to us. I prayed to St Therese to ease my grandmother's suffering and to help us through this sad sad time. This was around November in Pa and one day looking out upon the deck I had to look twice to see what was poking out in the middle of the deck between the deckboards. It was a beautiful pink rose at that time of year!!! We used to have roses beside the house years before the deck was built and had never seen this happen ever before! I thanked St Therese for hearing our prayer and I picked that single rose and placed it in water beside my grandmother's bed. At this point she was in what seemed like a coma and we were holding vigil at her bedside. That Christmas although very sad I remember as very beautiful. Grandmom was still with us and many family members came to visit from all over. Grandmom passed away Jan 2, 1994. Thank you St Therese , I shall never forget. I am again asking for her help in my sister's time of need. Please keep her in prayer.

  85. Anonymous2:13 AM

    Last week I was at the adoration chapel, and I asked a devout woman what prayer should I pray. She gave me a prayer book where I found this novena. Upon reading the introductory story, I, too, asked for a sign that I specifically thought wouldn't happen for weeks. On day 2 of the novena, the sign occurred, and I knew my intention for this novena was being heard. The intention for my novena was for drugs to be taken out of my ex-boyfriend's life. 4 days after I completed my novena, I received a text from him telling me that he has decided to get treatment and is undergoing a 60 day treatment program. I'm so grateful for St. Therese. This is wonderful news and I hope everybody continues to believe and pray with confidence. Your prayers are being heard!

  86. Anonymous9:11 AM

    These stories are so inspirational. I am on my sixth day, but I had one question: Is the flower only supposed to be a rose? and does it only count if someone else gives it to you?

    The reason for this question is because I have been asking St. Therese to help me figure out what I want to do in life career wise. Yesterday, I went to a singing show, and each table had a centerpiece of paper flowers. My friend and I took one, and we headed back to where her dad was picking us up. On our way back, we began discussing career options. Her dad suggested computer science, and now i am kind of interested in it.
    However, I am not sure if that counts. I mean, first of all I am not done with the novena, second the flower wasn't even close to a rose (let alone the fact it was paper), AND i was the one who picked it up. What do you think?

  87. Traditionally, it is a rose. But that is not to say your prayers won't be answered. "Jesus, I Trust in You"

  88. Anonymous9:46 AM

    I have much devotion for St Teresa I have been saying her novena after my grandmother gave it to me 26 years ago when I was having marriage problems I received 2 paper roses made out of napkins prayer was granted truly grateful. I have said this pray over the lasted two year a lot received roses, but I just did not have the peace because we all want it in our time not gods. Sometimes we need god to show us over and over before we understand what a awesome god for that. I start the novena once again with my whole heart and soul because this feeling I have in my heart for the last two years for my daughter and this boy is so heavy and the desire is so strong. Believe me there has been a lot of heart ache that has came along with this they are together then not, so I asked if this is meant please send me a white or different color rose so I will truly understand and have peace and faith in my heart and focus other things god needs me to do. Well yesterday my son sent me a dozen roses for mothers day he has ever in is life sent or gave me flowers they were red, pink,orange, purple, white with pink outlined. I am truly grateful for this to St Teresa and the lord Jesus Christ. Put your whole trust and faith in the lord and he will never steer you wrong ever.

  89. Anonymous5:03 PM

    Beginning a Novena today to St. Theresa to pray that our " soon to be born " grandaughter be born in natural childbirth and that the baby turn to her birth position.

  90. Anonymous5:07 PM

    Please pray to St. Theresa for our Grandaughter to be born in natural childbirth. The baby needs to turn to be in position for this to happen....beginning a novena to St. Theresa today.

  91. Praying for your granddaughter!

  92. Anonymous7:55 PM

    the day i started the novena i started getting the roses in very unusal ways...its feels great to know that u are getting connect to God with your prayers to st theresa...whethter i recieve my favaour or not it does not matter seeing the roses makes me happy.i know that God will do what is good for me and my family...thank u st threasa for your roses and for taking my prayers to God....

  93. Your faith is very inspiring.

  94. Anonymous5:22 AM

    My Mother taught me about St Therese a long time ago. She herself told me that she truly will reply to me if I pray the novena. One incident that I will never forget was at the very last day of my novena, it was almost midnight and quite disappointed that I did not receive a sign. As I was walking towards my car parked beside a garbage dump, on top of a broken barrier where trash was strewn in front of it, a strange figure almost shadow like, caught my attention. I stared at it as I walked - curious to know what it was. As i approached the object,
    ii realized, lo and behold, standing there was a bouquet. of white roses!!! And the roses were still quite fresh!!
    Why would anyone throw fresh bouquet of roses?! I'm
    sure they were placed there for me to know that I was
    not less important or that my prayers were not
    ignored/overlooked. My prayers have always been
    answered either "yes", "later", or " this is for somebody
    else - but this one is for you". And I thank St Therese for her loving and powerful intercessions.

  95. Anonymous6:44 PM

    I am a sting believer of this prayer I'm a 17 year old boy and my mother 10 children possibly has stomach cancer I am so scared I just ended the Saint Philomena Novena and I am now starting this novena

  96. Dear Young man, please put your trust in God and His blessed Mother to heal your dear mother. Yes, continue to pray the novena. I also highly recommend you praying the novena that Bl. Mother Teresa loved: 9 Memorare prayers in a row.

    Remember, O most gracious Virgin Mary, that never was it known that anyone who fled to thy protection, implored thy help, or sought thine intercession was left unaided.

    Inspired by this confidence, I fly unto thee, O Virgin of virgins, my mother; to thee do I come, before thee I stand, sinful and sorrowful. O Mother of the Word Incarnate, despise not my petitions, but in thy mercy hear and answer me.


    Read more:

    I too will join you in praying for your mother.

  97. katey3:26 AM

    Oh my goodness, I wrote in the above about a prayer card my godmother gave me over 18 years ago and how I prayed for my grandmother on hospice and received that beautiful rose and how again I would start praying for my sister who is in dire situation. That was in April and now July this weekend is my birthday and I have been hit over the head with unexpected roses. I received flowers from a friend who knows nothing about my prayers to st therese - I was sent 5 dozen beautiful large roses, pink,yellow,purple,white and red and 5 dozen mini roses all different colors - it is the most beautiful display and looks like a mini bush!!!My sister still has many issues but I feel at peace knowing that she is in good hands, my daughter will be taking the name of therese as her Confirmation name next year. I will continue to be devoted, thank you Lord, thank you St Therese

  98. Anonymous3:10 AM

    I have done Novena's in the past and have gotten a rose symbol (ring and a stain on a shirt). Recently I completed a novena and did not receive a rose (yet), but have received such blessings on the morning after the ninth day. My husband is a self-employed contractor and has felt a pinch because of the economy. I was praying that he would be hired for a job he applied for but just prayed that if he isn't, he would be given the opportunity to work. After completing the novena, the morning after the phone rang at 7:30 and he has been getting call after call for work. What a blessing. One additional thought: when you feel God is calling you to work for his Glory, don't ignore him. Be available to him - even if you don't think you have the necessary resources, because he will make them available to you. Don't pray with the mindset that if your prayers are answered, you will do something for God.

  99. Anonymous12:03 PM

    i have prayed the 5- day novena to st therese twice. both times, i got a sign and good things happened. i received good news about my petition and received the sign of the rose from my boyfriend (who i am praying for) on the 6th day. today, i started the same novena for the third time, for the same petition. i asked that i get a sign to help me keep a positive outlook and hope that my prayers will be answered very soon. and i got my sign a few hours later, when i was flipping through a filipino magazine (that we never bought or keep in house before) and i saw a picture of a veranda and in one corner, there she is: a picture of a life-sized statue of st therese! im very very grateful to receive this sign from heaven, my faith is stronger than ever and im confident that my prayers are heard and will be answered very very soon. thank you.

  100. Anonymous1:40 AM

    Novena to the Blessed Virgin Mary

    (Never Known To Fail)

    Oh, most beautiful flower of Mount Carmel, fruitful vine, splendor of Heaven.
    Blessed Mother of the Son of God; Immaculate Virgin, assist me in my necessity.
    Oh, Star of the Sea, help me and show me you are my Mother.
    Oh, Holy Mary, Mother of God, Queen of Heaven and Earth, I humbly beseech you from the bottom of my heart to succour me in my necessity. (Mention your request here).
    There are none that can withstand your power.
    Oh, Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee. (3 times).
    Holy Mary, I place this prayer in your hands. (3 times).

    Say this prayer for 3 consecutive days and then you must publish it and it will be granted to you.

  101. Anonymous1:43 AM

    I remember praying the Novena to St Therese many many years ago and she had indeed showered me roses from heaven and helped me with my petition. A few months ago, my boyfriend of almost 3 years ( we have known each other for 13 years) decided he wanted some space and ended the relationship. There was no cheating involved. Just like any other  couple, we had our differences. We remained friends. But I was devastated because I didn't want to separate but I also have to respect his decision. My cousin who is a strong believer and follower of St Therese told me to pray the 9 day Novena. So I did because I remember how St Therese showered me roses from heaven in the past.  This was more than 3 months ago and nothing has happened. I have prayed the Novena twice already. I am still not back together with him but I haven't lost hope. My cousin once again encouraged me to pray the Novena to St Therese. She suggested I start the Novena on Sept 23 so as to end it on October 1 (9th day) , The Feast of St Therese. I was excited and could not wait to start the Novena for it would be such a befitting time.  One night, he asked me to dinner
    ( he even told me to pick the place)   We went to this place called The Barrymore's.  We had such a great time at dinner. We were so happy We even went dancing. I realized how much I wanted him back in my life again. The next day, I told my cousin about my weekend and had mentioned to her the name of the restaurant , The Barrymore's. I also told her that I cannot wait to start the St Therese novena on Sept 23 and finish the 9th day on her Feast. Imagine my surprise when she told me that the street name of the Chapel of St Therese that she goes to is BARRYMORE!! She couldn't believe it herself. ( we live in different states)   I was soooo over the moon. I HAVEN'T EVEN STARTED THE NOVENA YET AND I HAD ALREADY RECEIVED A SIGN FROM ST THERESE.   I am so thankful and full of hope for a relationship restored. God Bless!

  102. Regarding prayer you just posted. Yes, that prayer to Our Lady of Mount Carmel is powerful. However, there is no need to publish it. Prayers will be answered as God wills it. Caution: Be careful of making prayers into something superstitious.

  103. I think this might help.

  104. Anthony, thanks.

    Anonymous: Thank you very much for sharing your story!

  105. Anonymous5:08 AM

    I completed the novena two weeks ago on a Sunday. I asked that I be able to conceive and give birth to a healthy baby...last year I had a miscarriage at 3 months...and havent been able to get pregnant since.My doctor did not find any reason for the miscariiage and subsequent tests says that there is nothing wrong with me and I should be able to conceive soon.
    I have not recieved any roses, but on the Sunday that I completed the novena I saw an ad in the papers by a lady who helps with fertility issues.I went to her, and she gave me some herbal stuff to drink which increases the egg count and improves the quality of my eggs . Do you think that my prayers are being answered?

  106. God will answer your prayers in His time. Please continue to pray and have hope.

  107. Anonymous9:29 PM

    when i see the image of st therese on your blog, i pray and ask intercession to him and now when i attend a novena at the national shrine of st jude , my friend gave me a rosary with a rose petal beads. Thank You St therese. All praises and glory to you oh Lord God Almighty. I love you. I know this is a good signal. THY WILL BE DONE. Thank you Father God through the name of Jesus and with the holy spirit and all the saints.

  108. Anonymous1:42 AM

    Hi,I'm Jenna from the Novena to St.Therese is not yet even finish and I already got a fresh white rose from my broher...Does that mean my prayers have been answered??Some say it has to be a red rose.. I'm really thankful if to St.Therese if it is..I asked this favor for my baby's future.And I'm really really happy...Thank You St.Therese!!!

  109. Aloha Jenna, it could be. I don't think the rose has to be red necessarily. God bless.

  110. My Mother had a great affection for St. Therese and prayed the novena to The Little Flower, many times over, throughout her life time. My My Mother suffered, quietly, with breast cancer for 7 months. In my Mothers last few months her affect became very flat and could seem to muster up the words to communicate with us. On June 2, 2009 she took a turn for the worse. I rallied the family and called the parish priest. father Vic came to the house to gave my Mother the Last Rites of The church. Shorty before Father arrived Mom seemed to become very alert and was able to speak softly. After Father Vic left we (the family) all prayed the Rosary. Even Mom prayed with us and as she prayed she looked around the room, setting her sweet gaze on my father and each of children, one by one. After the Rosary I became overwhelmed with emotion and walked to the kitchen. As I gased outside of the kitchen window I notice that the rose bush that I had planted for my mother years before was in full bloom. I thought that I would cut three for Mom. So I did. when I presented the roses to my mother, placing them close to her nose. She inhaled as deeply as she could so as to smell the sweet fragerance. Then she smiled. I placed the roses in a vase of water and placed them on her dresser, next to her statue of St. therese. Shorty after my mother slipped into a coma. The nest afternoon, at 1:38 PM, Mom passed away, as my father and I held her hands, surrounded by 11 of her 14 children and many of her grandchildren and great grandchildren. It wasn't until later that evening that I realised that St. Therese had answered Mom's final prayer. I have saved the pedals of those roses and still have them today.

  111. Brian, thank you for sharing that beautiful story.

  112. Anonymous12:31 PM

    Doea it have to be a rose? Can it be another flower that comes along your path?

  113. Traditionally it is a rose. However, if it be God's will that your prayers will be answered, they will be answered.

  114. I finished a nine day novena to St. Therese on St. Patrick's Day of 2013. Today, Palm Sunday, as I was entering my car, after Mass, I looked to the ground by my car and saw a single long stem rose. However, the rose was wilted and dead. What could this mean?

  115. I finished a nine day novena to St. Therese on St. Patrick's Day of 2013. Today, Palm Sunday, as I was entering my car, after Mass, I looked to the ground by my car and saw a single long stem rose. However, the rose was wilted and dead. What could this mean?

  116. Brian, it is probably not the rose St. Therese sent. Also, if your prayer is God's will to be answered, it will be, regardless of whether or not you get a rose.

  117. Anonymous9:11 AM

    Can i to pray the 9 hrs novena to st.therese..plss answer me..

  118. I am not familiar with the 9-hour novena to St. Therese but I guess you just pray the same prayer to her every hour for nine hours.

  119. Anonymous5:50 PM

    Hye there!

    Im so overwhelmed after reading all the amazing stories above. I know that this is unnecessarily to write in full of my situation but I dont have anyone to talk to. Im desperately looking for job in the government sector here in Malaysia which is very difficult unless if you have big people in the government whom willing to help you. I have finished my 9-days novena to St. Jude patron of Saint last Thursday, and hoping that I may received any email from the government employment department but stil no answer. But im not gonna stop caused I know that God hear my prayer and yet He know what the best for me. So, i went to search for St Jude testimonials, but it your blog on St Therese's Novena appears on the 2 line or google search result and went through all of the amazing experiences. The roses appears in each novena they said which really make my heart bloom, its just so beautiful. I got a few questions regarding about this novena; (1) I want to know where and how should I start this novena, Im so overwhelmed and cant wait to start this novena.(2) can I pray both st Jude and St Therese novena both on the same day? (3)Can I pray for 2 intention (my job and my wedding preparation) in 1 novena prayer a day for 9 consecutive days? Kindly help me.


  120. Hi Vee: I will try to answer your questions.

    1. Here is the link to the novena prayer. In fact, that site has many different novenas with email reminders...if you would like to join. You can start the novena any time just remember to pray it for 9 consecutive days. AND, remember you are asking St. Therese to intercede for you. That is, you are asking her to ask God to answer your prayers. He will ultimately decide whether or not to answer your prayers at that particular time.

    2. I don't see why you cannot pray two different novenas on the same day. So, yes, you can.

    3. Again, I don't see why you cannot pray for two separate intentions in one novena so yes.

    (1) I want to know where and how should I start this novena, Im so overwhelmed and cant wait to start this novena.(2) can I pray both st Jude and St Therese novena both on the same day? (3)Can I pray for 2 intention (my job and my wedding preparation) in 1 novena prayer a day for 9 consecutive days? Kindly help me.

  121. Anonymous4:31 PM

    Thank you so much for help Esther! Im cant wait to start my Novena tonight... God Bless you @>---

  122. Oh, you're welcome! God bless you Vee.

  123. Anonymous9:11 AM

    Born a catholic and devout at that, I believe in saints and their intercession. What I don't believe is to pray for a husband. I find it awkward at 37 and being single for most of my life. What I know is that if I'm meant to be with someone it will happen even without a prayer. Well, I did met someone. I like him but the challenge is he lives halfway the globe and I'm not sure if long distance relationship will survive. I am not hoping much. My friends often say to pray and ask for a sign that he be the one. They told me to choose a novena that will suit my request. When I learned of St. Therese' novena the idea of getting a rose for a prayer's answer drove my curiosity rather than faith. I thought that there is no harm in trying. I was on the 6th day of the novena when I met a girl named There, but she reintroduced herself as Therese Rose. I thought the name is nice but never rang a bell. On the 8th on my bus commute to work, I smelled flowers the minute I stepped in. I then saw one of the passengers carrying bouquet of white lilies and fresh roses. The scent made me smile but that was it. The next day I was asked by my sister to drop by the neighborhood bookstore and pick up the books she earlier purchased for my niece. As I was browsing in the children's section waiting for the saleslady I saw a bridal magazine left on the rack's with a bright red rose of bouquet on it's cover's. When I saw it, my tears fell without me knowing; and only then realized that the little flower has been telling me my prayers were answered since day 6. I was so moved, felt humbled that the answer was so fast. I was not expecting, perhaps the reason why I never noticed her signs. For some my experience could just be all a coincidence, for me it's FAITH.

  124. Anonymous4:54 AM

    I've had some signs of roses. My birthday was in May and me and my boyfriend were on a break but still talking. I'd been praying the novena when we started the break in late March so we'd get back together. On my birthday, he brought me a dozen roses. I cried knowing that my prayers were answered.

    However, we're having troubles again and feel we're on the brink of breaking up. I'm praying again to help me get through this tough time. I hope I'll have the strength to move on or get back together with my love.

    I love reading these stories, it gives hope :')

  125. Thank you for sharing your stories! I love reading all the testimonies. God bless you all.

  126. I am praying for 4 days in a row to st.theresa asking for a teaching job in california.. I did not ask for roses/flowers for a sign, but my principal this morning informed me that one of our committe member passed away and we were invited to attend a funeral mass on Sunday.. I know I am going to see flowers on this day so is this already a sign? is this means that my prayer will be answered soon? does this count? thank you

  127. If you feel peace, then it is from God.

  128. I did the 5 day novena to St Therese to pass my exam, but I failed it miserably. What's going on? Yes I studied hard, I wasn't looking for the impossible....

  129. A novena is usually nine days. As for why you failed the test after you studied, I don't know. Not all our prayers get answered the way we want but they all get answered as God wills it.

  130. A novena is usually nine days. As for why you failed the test after you studied, I don't know. Not all our prayers get answered the way we want but they all get answered as God wills it.

  131. Anonymous5:15 AM

    St.Theresa is special to me and I am sure to alot of people around the world. A few days ago, I requested St Theresa for a rose of any colour for an unusual intention. I was seeing a gentleman and wanted guidance and an indication if he was NOT the one for me as I wanted to really be sure. Yes, St.Theresa sent me 3 roses all different colours. 1. Blue made of ribbon at my feet when leaving my dads apartment, the 2nd and 3rd in the post office, I looked up at the items on sale while in line and there it was a bag with a yellow rose on the one side and a red rose on the other. I teared up and I am SO GRATEFUL for the sign.
    I have since moved on with my life and pray fervently to St. Theresa.

  132. Thank you for sharing your wonderful story.


  133. Anonymous5:00 AM

    I started praying to St. Therese over 2 years ago. It just felt like talking to my best friend. Sometimes, I do not recite the novena but I just start praying to her with my heart-letting her know how I feel. But if I need something in particular, I do say the novena. I remember when I took my Pharmacy boards, I said the novena before and after the boards. I was so sure I was going to fail the exam. I was crying and I could not sleep worrying about it. I took the exam on a Tuesday and results were published the next Monday. On Friday night, I dreamed of lots and lots of roses. After that, I slept well until the results came out and I passed! I have quite a bit of answered prayers from her. One time I went to the little flower church and prayed for my nephew and husband. That night, I was strolling with my husband and saw 2 ladies carrying a rose each. It made me smile! I knew my prayer was granted. I also have been praying to her about-my job/career. It has not happened yet but I would like to think it's in the "works"! It's been more than 6 months. Of course sometimes I worry. But when I do, I think about the dream I had. It was around December. I was walking around looking for a rose because I needed St. Therese to hear my prayer. I felt so lost career wise. Anyway, I remember saying along the lines of "St. Therese.. please please show me the rose. I need your help" then all of a sudden, I felt something stuck to the sleeve of my shirt. as I pulled it out, it was a long stemmed bright yellow rose!!! (btw, it was the sign I asked from her- a yellow rose!) It was a dream but I can still picture in my mind how it looked and how the petals felt. It was so real! So when I get discouraged sometimes, I think about that dream. Between you and me.. I call St. Therese my BFF! I know she is always there for us. I know this is such a long comment but I just had to share how St. Therese has helped me. I go on this site to read testimonials of St. Therese's miracles for encouragement. I feel it's my turn to encourage people that she listens. Thank you and may all our prayers be answered.

  134. C shared the following:
    I would just like to share this story cos it feels so surreal and never did I imagine that I will experience St. Therese’s shower of roses. I have been praying for a special intention and received the following signs from St. Therese:
    - 1st day of novena: I asked for a white rose and later that afternoon, when I was watching a documentary series, a white rose was shown
    - Few days after, I feel so sad because I feel so hopeless but when I opened my social media, I saw a friend’s post with a white rose. I feel like it was from St. Therese
    - After those incidents, I prayed to St. Therese to shower me with more roses (any color will do). The next weekend, while I was driving, the car behind me is tied up with a bouquet of red roses. It really feels surreal
    - The same weekend, I was cleaning my room and borrowed my mom’s duvet cover. It was the first time I borrowed my mom’s duvet cover — I don’t know why but I just feel like I want to borrow from her and when she gave it to me, I was surprised to see that the design is full of roses. St. Therese really shower us with roses sometimes in an uncanny way :)
    - Then one night, after praying to St. Therese, a former officemate named Therese sent me a message. It was the first time she sent me a message. I told her that it was timely cos I just finished my prayer to St. Therese and her name popped out. I am more surprised with what she told — that her mom named her after St. Therese!
    - I went to St. Therese church on Dec 24 but was wondering why there are no roses at the altar. I even thought that perhaps she has showered me with so much roses and those are enough already. But when I went out the church, a little boy was selling white roses and offered it to me. I almost cried because those are the white roses I’ve been asking for! From that instance, I know that St. Therese continuously hears my prayer and that God is responding favourably.

    Apart from these, I have been also encountering the word “Rose” a lot of times. Though my prayer of reconciliation with a friend hasn’t been fully granted yet, there was already a progress and I believe that God will answer it at the right time in his way, and St. Therese will continue to intercede for me.
