Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Pope receives robe and stole belonging to Archbishop Rahho and Fr. Ragheed, martyrs of Iraq

Archbishop Paul Faraj Rahho
Archbishop Paul Faraj Rahho

Fr. RagheedPicture source

The Iraqi Chaldean bishops have given Benedict XVI the liturgical robe of Archbishop Paul Faraj Rahho (see photo) and the stole belonging to Fr. Ragheed Ganni. Both men were killed in Mosul, Archbishop Rahho in 2008, Fr. Ragheed in 2007. The gifts were given during the concluding audience for the ad limina visit made recently by the Eastern bishops. The pope received the relics "with emotion," and recalled the "victims of violence in Iraq during these years" - and in particular the two martrys and the many other priests and faithful - saying that "their sacrifice is a sign of their love for the Church and their country."

Thanks to Sue for sharing.

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