Thursday, January 08, 2009

A Poem by Robert Louis Stevenson - Mother Marianne Cope

Mother Marianne Cope

I am currently reading Faith in Paradise, by Maggie Bunson. It is a book about the history of the Catholic Church in Hawaii. I found out that famed writer Robert Louis Stevenson, who is famous for having defended Father Damien, also wrote a poem dedicated to Mother Marianne Cope.
Reverend Sister Marianne
Matron of the Bishop Home, Kalaupapa

To see the infinite pity of this place,

The mangled limb, the devastated face,

The innocent sufferers smiling at the rod,

A fool were tempted to deny his God.

He sees, and shrinks; but if he look again,

Lo, beauty springing from the breast of pain!—

He marks the sisters on the painful shores,

And even a fool is silent and adores.

Robert Louis Stevenson

Kalawao, May 22, 1889

Source: Blessed Mother Marianne Cope


  1. I do not know if you are aware, but today is Blessed Mother Marianne's feast day. We homeschool and get the Saint of the Day emails from Ignatius press. My 6 year old is presently memorizing Robert Louis Stevenson poems and I was thrilled to find a copy of it on your blog. Thank you for this post :) May God Bless you and your family, always!

  2. Mahalo Marybeth. I am also glad that post helped you. God bless you and your family too!
