Tuesday, January 13, 2009

A Mother's Prayer for Her Son to Become a Priest

Joey and Fr. Schmidt
This is a prayer that I pray nightly.

O God, grant that my son my become a priest!
I myself want to live as a good Christian
and want to guide my child always to do what is right,
so that I may receive the grace,
O God, to be allowed to give you a holy priest!

(Mothers' prayer from Lu, Italy) Prayer Source


  1. Praying daily for these intentions. Praying the Holy Spirit will provide the guidance! Cathy

  2. This is really beautiful!

  3. Anonymous10:58 AM

    Ester, that is so wonderful. One of our Bishops here in Oregon (over the Baker Diocese) Told the church in Eastern Oregon that if they wanted more priest who were from Oregon to be priest in oregon they would have to start encouraging their son's vocations.

  4. Thanks Cathy.

    Squelly, I'm glad you thought so too.

    SC, that is so true. Happy to hear that some bishops speak to the families like that!

  5. That is beautiful, Esther.

    I will put this on my blog for priests. :-)


  6. AMEN & AMEN! Gods Will be done.

    Peace, JOY & Love to you all:)

    Marie xooxoxoxox

  7. Oh, this is so simple and beatiful. Prayers going up for your son ~ prayers for at least one sof my sons ~ prayers for many, many sons... (Or the sons of our sons!)

  8. Thank you so much for sharing this prayer! It is so sweet and now I will use it in my prayers for my sons! Sometimes I think my oldest, maybe, just maybe might have a vocation to the priesthood, but we shall see.:)

  9. Thanks for doing that Easter.

    Hey Marie, it's nice to see you back.

    Lisa, we should pray for all our sons.

    Mrs L. my son says he doesn't feel God's call. But we'll see. Maybe he's just not listening carefully enough ;-)

  10. Anonymous6:37 PM

    I have always thought that I wanted my son to be a priest but now I am thinking that having many grandchildren might be nice too! But can you imagine the joy of receiving Our Lord from the hand of your own son? Amazing.

  11. CF, oh how I would love that!!
