Sunday, January 25, 2009

How the House Stimulus Bill Undercuts Parental Authority

Buried in the economic stimulus legislation is a provision further undercutting parental authority and expanding control of taxpayer dollars by family planning clinics. No doubt these provisions are embodied in the economic stimulus package because their congressional sponsors believe that they would not be enacted if considered separately on their own merits...
Read the rest at the Heritage Foundation website
H/T Sue F.


  1. Not too "buried" anymore now that Nancy Pelosi advertised this program on George Stephanopoulos' show this weekend!

    Shame on every American who thinks that this is a good idea; that because it is cheaper to prevent children than to educate them, then prevention is the way to go....I am appalled.

  2. Yes, I saw that. That woman really has excommunicated herself hasn't she?
