Wednesday, January 28, 2009



St. Bernard (1090-1153), Abbot of Clairvaux in Burgundy, France, Doctor of the Church, and great devotee of Mary, reminds us to have recourse always to Mary.

In danger, anguish, or doubt,
think of Mary and call upon her.
Let the name of Mary
never be far from your lips or heart.
And to obtain the fruit of her prayers,
do not forget the example of her life.
Following Mary,
you will never lose your way.
Praying to her,
you will never sink into despair.
Contemplating Mary,
you will never go wrong.
With Mary’s support,
you will never fall.
Beneath her protection,
you will never fear.
Under her guidance,
you will never grow weary.
And with her help,
you will reach your heavenly goal.

Shared by Brother John M. Samaha, S.M.
Marianist Center


  1. Our Lady is a wonderful intercessor and Mediatrix of all graces. How fortunate we are to have such grace abound!!! Thank you Esther, for such a beautiful blog.

  2. It was thoughts about Mary that brought me into the Catholic Church:).


    Peace and love to you Esther:)

    Marie xoxoxo PS: Therese and I are begging you send us some SNOW! It's 110 degrees today with no relief in sight till next week! Waaaaah.

  3. Thank you Kathy. We are indeed fortunate and blessed.

    Marie, my goodness! How do you keep cool?
