Saturday, March 29, 2008

Local Event - Spiritual Moms Ministry

My buena amiga and co-coordinator Easter and I have been hard at work for a few months now with this new ministry. Recently, we were able to have most of our dear priests and seminarians spiritually adopted by a Catholic "mom".

With that said, some of our priests and seminarians are still available to be spiritually adopted.

What are the requirements? Well, we are following the Vatican's directive calling for spiritual moms for their priests. They suggest offering holy hours of adoration, attending Mass, etc., for their benefits.

If you are a devout Catholic woman living in the Diocese of Honolulu (unfortunately, military families will not be eligible to adopt because of relocation issues) and would like to spiritually adopt a priest, please contact Easter or me (Esther)...we are not the same person, contrary to popular belief ;-)

Once you sign up, the guidelines and suggested prayers will be emailed to you.

Spiritual Help from St. Faustina

St. Faustina
From her diary:

"Always and in all circumstances, yield the first place to others; especially during recreation listen quietly, without interrupting, even if someone tells me the same thing ten times. I will never ask questions about something that interests me very much."

"Hide me Jesus, in the depths of Your mercy, and then let my neighbor judge me as he pleases."

"I must never speak of my own experiences. In suffering, I must seek relief in prayer. In doubts, even the smallest, I must seek only the advice of my confessor. I must always have a heart which is open to receive the sufferings of others and drown my own sufferings in the Divine Heart so that they would not be noticed on the outside, in so far as possible..."

..."I must not allow anything to disturb my interior calm and silence"....

..."When I am wrongfully accused of something, I will not explain myself; if the superior wants to know the truth, whether I was in the right or not, let her find out from others rather than from me"...

Friday, March 28, 2008

Fine Art Friday - Michelangelo



Creation of Adam
The Creation of Adam



The Pieta


Our featured artist is Renaissance Master Artist, Michelangel Buonarroti, 1475 - 1504.
He is one of the greatest artists of all time, a man whose name has become synonymous with the word "masterpiece": Michelangelo Buonarroti.
To learn more about Michelangelo, be sure to visit this site

Monday, March 24, 2008

The Damien Mosaic by Peggy Chun

By Anna Weaver | Hawaii Catholic Herald

At the State Capital the other day, the long awaited mosaic of Fr. Damien was unveiled.

You can read all about it in this week's Hawaii Catholic Herald

Sacramentals in the Home - A Catholic Tradition

Yesterday at the Easter Sunday Mass, I filled our Holy Water bottles with the Easter Water blessed at the Easter Vigil Mass the night before. I don't remember where I first learned about bringing home Easter Water on Easter Sunday. I believe I learned this from my mother but this is a tradition in our family now.

Tradition is an important part of the Catholic faith. Not only do we as Catholics continue the traditions passed on by the early Church, but also traditions passed down from our own families.

My husband and I grew up in homes filled with statues and pictures of saints, crucifixes, and other blessed and holy objects. There was no mistaking our home as belonging to a Catholic family. Well, that and the fact that there were so many children growing up there too. :-)

Even before our son joined our family, our home as a married couple was filled with the richness of Catholic holy items. These holy items are referred to by the Catholic Church as sacramentals.

The following is from the Catechism of the Catholic Church with regard to sacramentals:
667 "Holy Mother Church has, moreover, instituted sacramentals. These are sacred signs which bear a resemblance to the sacraments. They signify effects, particularly of a spiritual nature, which are obtained through the intercession of the Church. By them men are disposed to receive the chief effect of the sacraments, and various occasions in life are rendered holy...
The use of sacramentals enriches our spiritual life through graces obtained when we use them and as a constant reminder to us of Christ and His holy church.

holy water Holy Water

The Holy Water we keep in our home is one such sacramental. We have a little Holy Water font by the front door. We bless ourselves, each other and our pets when we leave the house. We have a supply of bottled Holy Water for the family's use throughout the year.


Each member of the family should have his or her own rosary. However, if your family is like our family, a multitude of rosaries can be found in the household. Just to give you a little glimpse into our Rosary filled home: My husband and I have a beautiful rosary given to us by the Franciscan Sisters of St. Elizabeth when we got married. We have the Pro-Life Rosary with the baby in each bead given to me by a good friend. We have the Rosary to commemorate the 90th anniversary of Fatima. We have finger rosaries, plastic rosaries, corded rosaries, etc. But we usually have our own favorites when we pray the Holy Rosary together in the evenings.

Brown Scapular

There are different kinds of scapulars, with the Brown Scapular of Our Lady of Mount Carmel and the Green Scapular being the most popular kinds of devotions by Catholics.
Some scapulars have privileges and indulgences attached to wearing them, but like any sacramental (holy water, blessed candles, etc.), scapulars are not magic; their efficacy depends on the proper intentions and faith of the wearer. Only by following through on the promises one makes when becoming invested can the benefits associated with them be had. They are best thought of as signs of a commitment to do certain things and of one's being a part of a religious community. They act as reminders, too, of these things they signify and of the Saints who are parts of the religious community in question. They are reminders to behave with holiness.

Joey Easter 08
Blessed Candles

Most of our blessed candles were blessed at Candlemas otherwise known as the Feast of the Presentation of our Lord. We also have our blessed Advent Candles from past years and our blessed wedding candle, along with other blessed candles received during different Mass celebrations such as the Easter Vigil. Now, you don't need a candle as large as the one seen in the photo above of Joey lighting the Easter Candle at yesterday's Easter Sunday Mass, but blessed candles are also a good sacramental to keep in a Catholic home. There is a story of the 3 days of darkness that I remember reading. It says that the only candle light that will be able to shine forth will be from blessed candles. I don't know if that is true or not but if that is the case, we will be well prepared.
blessed Salt
Blessed Salt

We have our Hawaiian Sea Salt blessed by our dear friend Fr. Edwin Duffy. I use it only when necessary, for example as part of our Epiphany House Blessing. My mom utilizes blessed salt when she cooks something she is not sure is very fresh, as a way of protecting the family members who will partake of the food. One of my friends sprinkles blessed salt around the windows and doors of her home as protection for her family and home. Neither my mom nor my friend use blessed salt as a magical way of protection but rather rely on God's grace to assist them.
There is a renewed interest today in the ancient sacramental of blessed salt, especially by charismatics, in healing and deliverance situations, etc. To understand its proper use and its efficacy, it would be helpful to review the Scriptural symbolism and its history, since Vatican II urges us to participate “intelligently and actively” in the use of sacramentals, just as in the use of Sacraments.
Read the rest here

The other sacramentals or blessed objects that are in our home include numerous crucifixes, holy images of Our Lady's different apparitions, Jesus (Sacred Heart and Divine Mercy), relics, statues of the saints, blessed oil, the Holy Family, blessed medals, etc.

Keeping sacramentals in the home and using them to remind us of God's love and assistance is a beautiful tradition to pass on to your own children. Even though our son is a teen, he would never consider being without his Brown Scapular, Crucifix or Miraculous Medal.

To learn more about sacramentals and the proper way of disposing of sacramentals, be sure to visit Fisheaters

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Regina Coeli - During the Easter Season

Mary and the Empty Tomb

The following is courtesy of Second Exodus
In Latin

Regina coeli, laetare, alleluia: Quia quem meruisti portare, alleluia. Resurrexit sicut dixit, alleluia. Ora pro nobis Deum, alleluia.

V. Gaude et laetare, Virgo Maria, Alleluia,

R. Quia surrexit Dominus vere, alleluia.

Oremus: Deus qui per resurrectionem Filii tui, Domini nostri Iesu Christi, mundum laetificare dignatus es: praesta, quaesumus, ut per eius Genetricem Virginem Mariam, perpetuae capiamus gaudia vitae. Per eundem Christum Dominum nostrum.

R. Amen.

In English

Queen of Heaven rejoice, alleluia: For He whom you merited to bear, alleluia, Has risen as He said, alleluia. Pray for us to God, alleluia.

V. Rejoice and be glad, O Virgin Mary, alleluia.

R. Because the Lord is truly risen, alleluia.

Let us pray: O God, who by the Resurrection of Thy Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, granted joy to the whole world: grant we beseech Thee, that through the intercession of the Virgin Mary, His Mother, we may lay hold of the joys of eternal life. Through the same Christ our Lord.

R. Amen.

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