Saturday, March 29, 2008

Local Event - Spiritual Moms Ministry

My buena amiga and co-coordinator Easter and I have been hard at work for a few months now with this new ministry. Recently, we were able to have most of our dear priests and seminarians spiritually adopted by a Catholic "mom".

With that said, some of our priests and seminarians are still available to be spiritually adopted.

What are the requirements? Well, we are following the Vatican's directive calling for spiritual moms for their priests. They suggest offering holy hours of adoration, attending Mass, etc., for their benefits.

If you are a devout Catholic woman living in the Diocese of Honolulu (unfortunately, military families will not be eligible to adopt because of relocation issues) and would like to spiritually adopt a priest, please contact Easter or me (Esther)...we are not the same person, contrary to popular belief ;-)

Once you sign up, the guidelines and suggested prayers will be emailed to you.


  1. Esther and Easter:)
    what a Divinely inspired idea and how wonderful. I hope many will join you in this endeavour for our Priests need our prayers and for others to give back to them:).

    You two ladies truly inspire me.

    Peace and much love to you both:)

    Marie xoxoxo

  2. Thank you dear Marie. We hope we protect our priests from the snares of the devil and to keep them holy.

  3. Marie,
    Our dearest friend and sis, you have always been so supportive. We thank you!!! :-)

    I forgot to tell you that when I printed the stationery, your flower turned out so beautiful! Thank you, my dear artistic friend!:-)

    Love to you both,

  4. Thanks for letting me know that Easter!!
