Sunday, December 28, 2008

Prayer Request for our Lost Cat

We lost one of our cats last evening. It was our younger cat. We have looked everywhere for her. We even checked with the Humane Society. No signs of her and I am heartbroken.

Could I bother you to pray to St. Anthony that she be found safe and sound. She is the sweetest little cat.

Thanks so much.


  1. prayers. I would be heartbroken too if our cat was missing.

  2. Esther,

    I'm praying through the intercession of St. Francis of Assisi and St. Anthony to return your dear kitty home soon.

  3. I'll pray that the little dear will be perfectly fine and will be returned to you soon!

  4. Prayers for your kitty. We've been there!

  5. Therese, thank you! I am heartbroken. But we narrowed it down to what could have happened but cats are so elusive.

    Jean,Michelle and Julie you don't know how much we appreciate that! Thank you.

  6. Thanks so much Mimi!

  7. I"m praying to Saint Anthony that your cat will be found Esther.

  8. Esther,
    I read this earlier. I just didn't have enough time to post any comment here. I am praying...

  9. Hi there

    I was just searching for anything on saints helping people find cats and stumbled upon this. We actually lost our cat the night after the original post (29.12.2008). I have been praying to St Francis of Assisi and St Anthony of Padua but still havent seen him. I just cant stop worrying.

    Have you found your cat?

  10. Caroline, I am so sorry your cat is lost. No we still haven't found our cat. However, we are getting calls from sightings. Have you posted flyers? Posted on Craiglist in your area? Check the pet shelters daily? That is what we are doing. And, I am storming heaven, for the saints' intercession.
    I will add your intention to my prayers too.

  11. Hi Esther

    Thank you for your message and prayers. I am also praying for your cat. I have put out just over a 100 flyers, including at the station and the doctor, and have called all the local vets and rescue centres (about 20 places). He has a chip so they would know it was him. We have also been searching for him in the local area. I think we had one definite sighting on Sunday but we just cant find him! I enquired about a sniffer dog but they just dont do that here (I am in the UK). Do they have that in your area? I got the idea from some American websites. Anyway, I am continuing to pray for the safety and return of both of our cats :)

  12. Caroline, you are doing all you can. No, I do not think we have sniffer dogs here but I would guess that is a good idea. I spoke to a volunteer at the shelter who said cats will stay close to home but will hide because they are afraid. Try shaking something your cat is familiar with (dry food in container), toy, etc.

    BTW, I started a new blog for prayers for pets.
    Please feel free to post your pets name there for prayers.

    Thanks for the prayers for my Honey too.
