Saturday, December 27, 2008

Power's Back

Thank God we decided to go out for an early dinner within walking distance to a neighborhood restaurant. On the way home we watched a spectacular lightening storm which is odd for Hawaii. I was speaking to one of my brothers when about a half hour later or less, Oahu was plunged into darkness.

Somehow the lightening storm wreaked havoc on the generators and everyone without a auxiliary generator was without power.

Tip: Be prepared.

Because of the last earthquake causing blackout three years ago, our family had a crank radio (thanks to my sister), a transistor radio (thanks to my mom), Blessed candles, plenty of batteries (thanks to Radio Shack's sale yesterday), matches and board games.

Joey and I played Scrabble by candlelight. My husband listened to the radio for updates. Thanks to the guys at KSSK, we were kept up to date with news, humor and experts answering questions like how long will the fish last in the fishtank without the pump. BTW, we didn't need a expert to answer that. My fish using stay without the pump from late evening to early morning because they noise from the filter bothers my husband :-)

Also, our decision to keep our landline phone with the corded phone was a good one. Two of my brothers were able to call close to midnight there time to wish me a happy birthday. Our cell phone did not work.

Well, anyway, we turned in early since there really wasn't much to do. We all got a good night's sleep and today we will continue my birthday celebration since it ended quite abruptly last early last night.


  1. A belated Happy Birthday! A game of Scrabble sounds like fun!

  2. Anonymous9:35 PM

    Merry Christmas and happy belated bday, hope it was a good one!

    Wishing you peace and joy and full of God's blessing this Xmas season as well as throughout the new yr!

  3. Esther,
    God be praised! We got power back on Sat pm. Our fridge smelled ok after more than 24 hrs of no power, just had to throw away a small block of cheese, which was old anyway (he he he)... relatives came in the evening as if nothing unusual happened. God is good!!!

  4. p.s. so what did you do to continue your b-day celebration? I am curious! :-) You know I will be back... he he he...

  5. I saw that on the news, glad you weathered it ok.

    I agree, when the power is out, we go to bed early too.

  6. Thanks Lana. It was fun to play in the dark :-)

    MM, thanks. Merry Christmas to you too.

    Oh Easter, that was the longest yet that I heard. I'm sorry to read that. I like your attitude though :-)

    Mimi, yeah, not much to do. Hope it stopped snowing by you.

  7. We were celebrating my birthday with singing and Ted's Chocolate Macadamia nut pie when we realized our beloved cat was missing.

  8. singing and Ted's Chocolate Macadamia nut pie...

    Esther, what can be better than that?! So where did you get the pie? I would like to try some of that. :-)

    Love to you!

  9. Easter, any supermarket carries it now. Try Times on Beretania, Foodland on Beretaia or Ala Moana. I highly recommend the Chocolate Haupia pie.
