Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Our Pets

Honey Blessing
Our cat is still missing. What gives me comfort is knowing that Fr. Daren was kind enough to bless her when he was over this past Summer. My family and I are also comforted and very grateful to so many people who are helping us around our neighborhood, prayers from family and friends near and far.

I don't know if non-pet people understand the bond that forms between a person and their beloved animal. The animal really becomes part of one's family. When they die or go missing, there is a big void in the family. Right now as I write this there are fellow bloggers who are grieving for the death of their pet or a pet suffering from a serious illness.

I've had pets as a baby. My first pet was a Boxer named Furia which means fury in Spanish. Most of my pets have been dogs. But I've also had cats. These two animals couldn't be more different. Yet you have to love each of them for their own special qualities and personalities.

Honey our cat is a rascal. When she wants food she'll jump on my husband's back and screech. My husband also taught her how to play fetch with a toy mouse.

She loves my dog and my dog loves her. She has wanted to be friends with our older cat but our cat would have none of that.

Right now, my family and I are going through a very difficult time trying to find this beloved pet. But we know God will help us get her back, if it be His will.


  1. (()) & prayers. Sid (my 17yo cat) took a "walkabout" that lasted for 7 days several years ago. I was heartbroken. He sauntered back in finally, after much worry on my part.

    Praying Honey comes home soon.


  2. Hello dear Esther,
    I am so sorry you haven't found Honey yet. I hope and pray she comes back to you. Hugs to you all...

  3. Oh, dear! Prayers to St. Francis going up! We lost our beloved dog for a couple of days earlier this month and, after many prayers and much searching, were delighted when she wandered back home, skinny but newly-appreciative of home and family! (St. Gertrude of Nivelles is the patroness of cats, btw! We'll add a prayer to her for you, too!)

  4. We lost two cats last year. It still hurts. St Francis, please bring this cat home.

  5. How sad for you! I'm always worrying about my cat when he doesn't come home too. My prayers go up for you.

  6. i understand what you're going thru. our dog has been missing since saturday morning and we have not been able to find him either. i thought of posting about it just to get some extra prayers in...the worse thing is that no one has turned him in, which means they are probably planning on keeping him. i hope your cat comes back.....perhaps you could say a little prayer for us too!

  7. I so understand, dear Esther. We had a cat go missing for about two weeks once, and she returned and we still have her.

    She's also been blessed.

    Happy New Year!

  8. Esther, We are praying to Saint Anthony that you may find your beloved Cat, Honey.

  9. Thank you all for your prayers, comforting words and support. I am sorry some of you had to experience the loss of a pet too.

    Thanks Lisa for telling us about the patron saint for cats.

    Regan, I am praying for your dog right now.

    Again, thanks dear friends!



  10. Anonymous12:51 PM

    As a cat lover, and one who understands what you are going through, I do hope that Honey returns soon. There are few people that you can talk to about your pets - especially cats. You may try this, Esther. Every night I ask a litany of saints to watch over my cats and protect them from all evil and harm. St. Martin de Porres, Bl. Anna Maria Taigi, St. Madeleine Sophie Barat, St. Bernard of Corleone are just some of the holy men and women who loved cats. Also, I understand St. Clare had a cat but I've never been able to confirm this. Pick one of the foregoing and ask him/her to send Honey home. And when she does return, be sure to attach a St. Benedict medal (properly blessed of course!)to her collar.


  11. Marian, thank you so much for the comforting words and good advice! Unfortunately, Honey was not wearing her collar at the time. She is an indoor cat. But I will do that to all my pets' collars as soon as I get St. Benedict's medal.

    God bless,

  12. Anonymous1:55 PM

    Dear Esther,
    We're praying for for the return of your beloved cat. This year, we lost two darling cats-both 16 years old-one to cancer and the other to renal failure. Ugly disease! In Charlotte's case, I had her beofre we had any children.

  13. Our cat once disappeared for two weeks, and then suddenly returned home! She was in good shape, so I guess she was "visiting" with another family.

    Prayers for her swift return!

  14. Esther, I am so sorry your cat is missing. Our neighbors found a cat on Christmas night. In our neighborhood, we have an online yahoo group - so I posted for our neighbors about the lost kitten. Within 20 minutes a neighbor called and said it was their daughter's whom came to pick it up. I hope soon you have the same outcome.

    Growing up we had a Boxer too. His name was Behr. He was definitely part of the family. He had to be put down the morning of my husband's brother's wedding. I was an emotional wreck. And I still get teary eyed thinking about him.

    Hang in there, praying for your family - pets included! ;-)

  15. Gail, thank you. I am so sorry for the loss of your cats.

    Thanks Alexandra. I really hope so before the fireworks start tonight.

    I don't know if we have that here. I will have to look. Thanks for the idea Melissa. Sorry to hear about your Boxer. How sad!

  16. Wow! That Marian had great ideas. Esther, hang in there, dear friend. Cy, CT and I are praying for Honey to come home.

    Love to you always...

  17. Easter, from the bottom of my heart I am grateful to you and the girls. Thank you!!
    Love to all of you.

  18. Anonymous9:51 AM

    Any news? I've been praying to St. Martin de Porres to send Honey home.


  19. Marian, no we still have not found her. We are beginning to think someone may have picked her up and may be keeping her as a pet. I really appreciate your prayers.
    Thank you.
