Monday, December 01, 2008

Only 150 Mass So Far Out of the 10,000 Masses Needed for the Unborn Needed

St. Michael

I received the following email:
...Thanks so much for the great news that 3 Masses will be offered at Sacred Heart in the diocese of Honolulu. I really appreciate it.

Presently, there are 131 Masses scheduled to be offered as part of the 10,000 MASSES FOR UNBORN BABIES.

God bless you.


Patrick Benedict

St. Michael the Archangel Organization

Please request a few Masses at your church. It is really easy to do. The unborn are counting on us.


  1. I hate to say this, but at many parishes in our area (including, I am pretty sure, mine), they want money for masses, like $20/each. I don't know what I think about that, but I know that it's out of the question for us at the present time, we can barely give $10/week to church as it is. I suppose I could ask our priest to make an exception.

  2. Charlotte, that could be a concern. The churches here (at least at the two I requested Masses) let you donate whatever you want. I believe both priests (who are strongly pro-life) would have celebrated the Masses for this intentions w/o any donation.
