Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Father Barron's Comments on Kerry Kennedy's New Book

Father B. makes some very good points. Please be sure to watch it.

H/T to Creative Minority


  1. Anonymous2:44 PM

    Recently, a Gannett newspaper ran an exerpt from Kerry Kennedy's book, and without excemption, all the profiles featured people who no longer practice the faith. No where in print were Catholics, such as Bill O'Reilly, Peggy Noonan and Cardinal McCarrick, who were also profiled in the book, and who are still known to practice the faith.
    Ms. Kennedy was also interviewed on MSNBC about the book, and both she and the anchors spent most of the interview joking about "Catholic guilt."
    I hope the Catholic League speaks out about this book. Ms. Kennedy decries the Church's "lack of attention" to social justice issues, and states that the faithful focus primarily on Pro-Life issues, largely ignoring issues such as poverty and social justice matters. It should be noted that without respect for all life-unborn right through to the tomb-social justice and fairness can't exist.

  2. Gail, why am I not surprised. I do hope that Mr. Donohue keeps on eye on this book. KK is not doing Catholics a favor by them reading it.
