Saturday, November 29, 2008

Preparation for Advent

In preparation for Advent, I bought a beautiful candle holder wreath today. It smells so Christmasy here today! The Advent Candles will be brought to Church tomorrow for Father to bless after Mass. This year we will use the The Magnificat Advent Companion as we have in past years and also Advent Reflections by Padre Pio.

I also need to put up our wooden Advent Calendar and fill the drawers with a treat and a daily good deed to perform.

Hopefully, we will be able to repeat Archbishop Fulton Sheen's Family Retreat.

Our nativity set sits in our cabinet year round. This will also come out and will be placed in a prominent area along with the Advent Wreath and Calendar. The baby Jesus will stay put until Christmas Eve after we return home from the Christmas Eve Family Mass.

I am still deciding whether or not to get a Christmas tree this year. I love the real pine Christmas trees but in Hawaii we need to get them almost immediately after Thanksgiving. I am considering a live Norfolk Pine tree which can be put outside after Christmas is over. The drawback is that it doesn't have the pine smell that I love.

Advent 2008Another thing we need to do as a family is discuss how we can die to self this Advent season. What can we give up or do to grow more spiritually, this will make for a good family discussion tonight.

Advent HoneyMy husband wanted our little cat included in the Advent photo. So here she is sniffing the pine needles.


  1. So nice! I didn't get a wreath this year. I use a candle holder with an angel on it (see ) :)

    I might invest in a wreath in a year or so, haven't seen many here in Sweden.... for Advent anyhow.

    Hugs, Heather

  2. I love the cat! We are about 15 days into Advent already, wow.

  3. We do the same every year - wreath with candles in regular holders, but this year I had to order something more sturdy because my three year old has very busy fingers. This year it will be just a silver candle holder ring which I can put up high when it is not in use.

  4. Heather, I loved your candle holder! This is the first year I actually bought a wreath already prepared. I usually make ours from branches from our Christmas tree.

    Thanks Mimi, she is a rascal. BTW, I didn't realize that!
