Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Post Election: Colorado Personhood Initiative Heralds Future of Pro-Life Movement

Washington, D.C. (5 November 2008) – The following is a statement from Judie Brown, president of American Life League.

In a night overshadowed by pro-abortion victories, one bright light shone for the pro-life movement, and it came from Colorado.

The vote on Amendment 48, the "personhood initiative," marked the first round of the civil rights movement's final battle. Colorado voters were asked to define all human beings, from the moment of fertilization, as "persons."

Amendment 48 made history as the first ballot initiative of its kind. It attempted to answer the question, when is a human being a person deserving of human rights?

The personhood movement defied the odds to blossom in hostile territory – traditionally liberal Colorado. A small group of inspired and passionate people, led by 21-year-old law student Kristi Burton, dedicated themselves to the glorious principles our nation was founded upon and spearheaded a movement that mobilized half a million people.

The word "personhood" made national news and headlines around the country. The abortion debate began anew: "We want to grant rights to all human beings – including those most vulnerable – preborn children." The personhood fire began in Colorado and has now ignited personhood campaigns in 16 states.

God often picks the least likely to move mountains, and so it seems with the personhood movement. Kristi Burton is a brave and courageous young woman who has already inspired an entire pro-life movement with her tireless fight in Colorado.

Amendment 48 gained 27 percent of the vote in one of the most pro-abortion states in the Union. Amendment 48 introduced the idea of personhood for the preborn to the nation. Planned Parenthood found it necessary to earmark an immense sum – $3 million – to defeat Amendment 48. Why? Because Planned Parenthood knows that personhood will be its death knell and the death knell of the entire American pro-abortion movement.

We are inspired by Kristi Burton's efforts in Colorado and plan to champion personhood movements at both the state and federal levels. Indeed, for the babies, personhood is the only defense against the dual threats posed by the Freedom of Choice Act, which President-elect Barack Obama has pledged to sign into law, and the Prevention First Act, which he cosponsored.

These acts would eliminate the possibility of any incremental restrictions on abortion and leave us only one viable option to end the assault on human life: a personhood amendment to the United States Constitution.

American Life League was co-founded in 1979 by Judie Brown. It is the largest grassroots Catholic pro-life organization in the United States and is committed to the protection of all innocent human beings from the moment of creation to natural death. For more information or press inquiries, please contact Katie Walker at 540.659.4942.


American Life League

Colorado for Equal Rights

Christian News Wire: Colorado Personhood Movement Expands to the National Scene (5 November 2008)

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