Sunday, November 16, 2008

Our Priests

At the Marian Conference yesterday we were all reminded of our lady's message to us about our priests:

It is our duty to look after our priests, to pray for our priests; to love our priests and to sacrifice and do penance for our priests.

As a spiritual mom I this reminder by our Lady very seriously. My spiritual son is constantly in my thoughts and prayers. I do have to work on offering penances for him though...

I was also struck by what I heard at the Marian Conference yesterday by one of the speakers:

"There is no such thing as a bad priest...only bad parishioners who have not fasted or prayed for our priests". In other words, we will be held responsible by God if we fail to pray and offer sacrifices for His priests.

Fr. Mark of Vultus Christi is currently translating a excerpts of a book entitled A Spiritual Treasure for the Priesthood. You can read a part of it here
All for Priests

A woman called to spiritual maternity in favour of priests keeps nothing for herself. All that she has received from Christ -- all that she has acquired by His grace in the way of victories over sin, virtues, and merits; all her prayers, her penances; and, above all, her confident surrender to Divine Providence in the little things of daily life -- all of these things belong no longer to her, but rather to the souls of priests.

A Kind of Dispensary

The spiritual mother of priests becomes a kind of dispensary wherein Christ places whatever remedies His priests may need in their spiritual infirmities and weaknesses. She offers her heart, in imitation of the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, Mediatrix of All Graces, to Our Lord, saying, "Use me, O Lord, as Thou wilt for the healing and sanctification of Thy priests. Unite the offering of myself to Thine own Offering on the Altar of the Cross and, then, let the all the fruits of our union be dispensed to Thy priests, especially to the weakest and most wounded among them."

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