Tuesday, November 18, 2008

A Message From Purgatory

I found this on Ed's blog
Holy souls in Purgatory, is there anything you regret when you think of your life on earth?:

I deeply regret wasted time.... I did not consider it so precious, so fleeting, so irretrievable. For this reason my life is worth only half of what it might have been. Oh, had I but realized it then! Would that I could return to earth, how differently I would use the time given to me! Precious time! . . .
You can read the rest at Ed's blog.


  1. How true those words are - a needy reminder to us all how fleeting life is, and how discerning we ought to be as to how we spend our time - and with whom.
    May the Divine assistance remain always with us, and may the souls of the faithful departed through the mercy of God, rest in peace, Amen.

  2. I think it would be a good idea it we have Masses said for our souls while we are still here on earth.
    We really don't know how many people will think of having Masses said for us once we our gone.
    Lord, please remember us in your Kingdom.

  3. Amen Veritas!

    Ed, so true Ed! I usually give the gift of Mass cards for birthdays, illnesses, etc.
