Sunday, November 30, 2008

Family Advent Wreath and Helping Christians in the Holy Land

Family Advent Wreath
This will be our little sacred space during the Advent Season. In the center of the wreath is the small statue of Jesus at the Garden of Gethsemane. It is made of olive wood from the Holy Land. In the center is a tiny well for Holy Water.

The proceeds are going to help the dwindling number of Christians still living in the Holy Land. It is sad to hear how the churches will soon be empty and will be turned into marketplaces if we don't help them now that tourism is down.

If your church offers the sale of these items as they did in our church today and my mom's church in New Jersey, please consider purchasing one of these lovely works of art and at the same time, help a fellow Christian in need.


  1. Very nice!!!

    Happy Advent,
    Therese and Family

  2. Anonymous1:15 AM

    That is a beautiful Advent Wreath Esther! I'm afriad i couldn;t find mine so i have to make one using various candles and a strad of fake berries LOL!

    I went to a garden centres the othe day and i couldn't find an advent wreath anywhere. they don;t seem to be very popular over here. Still, i'm guessing Jesus won't mind my assorted candles and hotchpotch wreath making. Least i hope not LOL!

    Blessed Adent to you and yours!

  3. Thanks Therese. Happy Advent to you too!

    Deb, I'm sure if you made it, it turned out beautifully.
