Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Day-After Reflection


This morning while meditating on the Glorious Mysteries of the Holy Rosary, it dawned on me that we should not be discouraged because this world isn't our real home. It is Heaven that is our real home. This is just a way station until God calls us home.

God confirmed that thought by the reflection in today's Mass readings in the Magnificat magazine.

Earth is slipping away and heaven is drawing near....St. Theophane Venard.


  1. Dear Esther,

    Thanks for sharing this. It is the same thing the Lord has been sharing with me. We, as Christians, can experience joy amidst our sorrows, sufferings, and pain because we have so much to hope for -- not in this life -- but in the world to come. He is our Hope.

  2. Thank you Eshter, I'm having a really hard day trying to stay upbeat.. I'm so emotional:(

  3. Thank you Jean for sharing that with us.

    Tracy, I know exactly how you feel.
