Monday, November 10, 2008

Catholic Voters

Inside Catholic has broken them into the following categories:
1) Pro-life voters who would vote pro-life even if their bishop/priest and the USCCB supported the pro-choice candidate.

2) Pro-life voters who understand the bishops to be saying they cannot vote for a pro-choice candidate, and who therefore don't.

3) Pro-life voters who understand the bishops to be saying they need to balance abortion with other issues, and end up voting pro-life.

4) Pro-life voters who understand the bishops to be saying they need to balance abortion with other issues, and end up voting pro-choice.

5) Pro-life voters who honestly believe Obama will be the more pro-life candidate.

6) Pro-choice voters who really don't care what the bishops say and who vote pro-choice.

7) Voters who are "personally-pro-life," but who don't want to "legislate morality," and therefore lean strongly pro-choice in the voting booth.

8) Voters for whom abortion just isn't an issue in either direction.
They seem to have covered all the bases. If not, please leave a comment on their blog.

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