Sunday, November 09, 2008

Blessed Mother Marianne Cope

Procession 7
Procession 6
Procession 5
Procession 4
Procession 3
Procession 2
Procession 1
The Diocese of Honolulu celebrated the 125th anniversary of the arrival of Blessed Mother Marianne Cope to the Hawaiian islands. There was a procession reenacting Mother Marianne Cope and the sisters arriving at the Cathedral of Our Lady of Peace in Honolulu. They were greeted at the Cathedral, the same Cathedral where soon-to-be saint Damien of Molokai was ordained by Bishop Larry Silva.

Joey and I were there for Confession. We could not stay for the celebration itself but were able to get a few photos on our way home.

Easter of Mostly Prayers attended the Mass with her family. Please visit her blog for more pictures and post on this beautiful celebration.

Related story Kakaako Could be the New Home of Mother Marianne Cope Memorial.


  1. Wow, Esther, great pictures! When I got there, the place was already blocked. TJ stood beside that horse and carriage while my husband took pictures... Wish I saw you...
    Love to you!

  2. What lovely pictures, it is like stepping back in time! Beautiful!

  3. Easter, I took those with my cell phone camera as I forgot I digital camera at home. I loved your photos too!

    Mimi, it felt like we went back in time. It was just wonderful.
