Sunday, October 19, 2008

On True Freedom...

Sacred Heart
Never as today has man spoken about freedom, peace, rights and dignity, about the emancipation of countries, of women, of the youth. And yet, we are inundated by the filth of pornography, by immodest dress and degrading speech.

Look at the destruction of the social order starting with the family, look at the killing of innocent babies in their mother's bosoms, see the imminent dangers menacing our societies by terrorism and religious fanaticism.

Satan promises freedom and brings about destruction of everything man holds dear.

The model of the Sacred Heart raises mankind from this sad condition and teaches, like an open book, lessons of abnegation, of respect for life, of charity, of the beauty of chastity, of obedience, of sacrifice, and of so many other things of which the modern mind seems to have forgotten, even the name by which they are called.
Fr. Ramón Anglés

Shared by Sue


  1. Very nice post Esther:)

  2. Thanks Tracy! Very fitting for our times, wouldn't you agree?
