Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Marriage Matters to Kids

Sacrament of Marriage
Dear Friend,

Natural marriage with a biological mother and father is the foundation upon which society rests. Unfortunately, natural marriage has come under attack in the United States. How marriage is "defined" by our state government will have a dramatic impact on everyone, but most especially on children. There is a new website called "Marriage Matters to Kids" where you can learn the truth about marriage and what it means to the common good.

Please visit Marriage Matters to Kids and see what Bishops, priests, counselors, mothers, fathers, and kids all have to say about marriage, children, and the family.

Remember, Marriage Matters to Kids!

Visit Marriage Matters to Kids at Marriage Matters to Kids Site/

Shared by The Maritime Sentry


  1. Excellent Esther!! You bet it matters to kids.. wonderful post:)

  2. I hope you watch the other one I posted today.
