Wednesday, October 22, 2008

George Soros Funding Catholic Left

Billionare George Soros is dangerous for America. He has a very liberal, socialistic agenda for the U.S.A. and he has the money to veer the country down a very bad path.
Catholic League president Bill Donohue exposes the nexus between George Soros and two left-wing Catholic groups, Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good and Catholics United:

“In 2003, after left-wing mogul George Soros blamed Jews for anti-Semitism, the ADL branded his comments ‘obscene.’ Two years later, I accused him of anti-Catholicism when his group,, posted a picture of a smiling Pope Benedict XVI holding a gavel outside the U.S. Supreme Court, along with the following inscription: ‘God Already Has a Job…He does not need one on the Supreme Court.’

“Why is this relevant? Because this same bigot is connected to two apologists for abortion rights, Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good and Catholics United. In 2006, Soros’ Open Society Institute gave Catholics in Alliance $100,000 (double the amount he gave in 2005), and in the same year Catholics in Alliance listed Catholics United on its 990 as an organization with which it has a formal relationship. John Podesta, who runs the Soros-funded organization, Center for American Progress, admits that he works closely with Catholics in Alliance and Catholics United. The Center for American Progress is also the sponsor of Faith and Public Life.

“Why would any Catholic organization take money from a man like George Soros? Because legitimate sources of revenue aren’t available? And why would Soros have any interest in funding Catholic groups? He doesn’t give the Catholic League any money, and if he offered, I would refuse it.

“The reason Soros funds the Catholic Left is the same reason he lavishly funds Catholics for Choice, the pro-abortion group that has twice been condemned as a fraud by Catholic bishops: they all service his agenda, namely, to make support for abortion rights a respectable Catholic position. On October 17, Denver Archbishop Charles Chaput accused Catholics in Alliance and Catholics United as doing a ‘disservice’ to the Catholic Church. He’s right. And now we know what really makes them tick.”

Susan A. Fani
Director of Communications
Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights
New York, NY 10123
212-371-3394 (fax)

The Catholic League


  1. George Soros is creating and funding Catholic groups to destroy the family and basic Catholic values and principles. It's part of his main objective, which is to destroy the United States. Soros is also helping Chavez and other dictators in Latin America destroy their respective countries. He is evil.

  2. Antonio, isn't that despicable! He is a man with an evil agenda.

  3. Anonymous12:09 PM

    The more I read about George Soros the more disturbed I become. The organizations that he has set up are not for the improvement of society, but rather for the disruption of economic and social order. I agree that he is not just a menace, but rather a terrorist to all decent values. His organizations have no intention of giving a fair fight, and are more than willing to break the law in order to achieve their objective. If large moral institutions such as the Catholic church are not willing to take him and his organizations head on there is little hope for the rest of the society to stand up to them.
