Friday, October 03, 2008

Fine Art Friday - Luca and Andrea Della Robbia

A Della Robbia Baptism of Christ
Baptism of Christ - Andrea Della Robbia

A Della Robbia - Infant Jesus
Infant Jesus in Swaddling Clothes - Andrea Della Robbia

A Della Robbia The Resurrection
The Resurrection - Andrea Della Robbia

A Della Robbia Nativity
Nativity - Andrea Della Robbia

Detail of the Nativity - Luca Della Robbia

L Della Robbia the Ascension
The Ascension - Luca Della Robbia

L Della Robbia Virgin and Child
Virgin and Child - Luca Della Robbia

L Della Robbia Cantoria
Detail of the Cantoria - Luca Della Robbia

Wikipedia - Luca Della Robbia
Luca della Robbia (1400-1482) was an Italian sculptor from Florence, noted for his terracotta roundels.

Luca Della Robbia developed a pottery glaze that made his creations more durable in the outdoors and thus suitable for use on the exterior of buildings. His work is noted for its charm rather than the drama of the work of some of his contemporaries.

Andrea Della Robbia - Nephew, pupil, assistant, and sharer of Luca's secrets, b. at Florence, 1431; d. 1528. It is often difficult to distinguish between his works and Luca's.
New Advent Catholic Encyclopedia - Andrea Della Robbia


  1. Anonymous2:35 AM

    That is some of the most beautiful pieces of art that I have seen in a long while.

  2. I'm absolutely dumbfounded - beautiful, beautiful, singing God's praises, Esther. Thank you so much for these Fine Art Fridays.

  3. Glad you both enjoyed this week's FAF.
