Friday, October 10, 2008

Fine Art Friday - Carlo Dolci

St. Matthew
St. Matthew

Salome and John the Baptist
Salome With the Head of St. John the Baptist

Our Lady Annunciation
Our Lady of the Annunciation

Madonna and Christ Child
Madonna and the Christ Child

Flight into Egypt
The Flight into Egypt

David and Goliath
David With the Head of Goliath

Christ Last Supper
Christ at the Last Supper

Child Jesus
The Child Jesus

Angel Annunciation
Angel of the Annunciation

Painter, born in Florence, Italy, 25 May, 1616; died 17 January, 1686. The grandson of a painter, he seems to have inherited a talent for art. He studied under J. Vignali, and when only eleven years old he attracted attention by the excellence of his work, notably a figure of St. John and a head of the Infant Jesus..."
Catholic Encyclopedia


  1. Such beautiful detail and expression captured in these works of art. And to think he was already making a name for himself when only 11 years of age. Thanks, Esther,for these lovely Friday celebrations of art.

  2. I know, wasn't that something? Thanks so much for your kind comment V.

  3. Fabulous Esther!
