Monday, October 20, 2008

Fast for Hope - Elections

God bless America
Fast for Hope
November 3rd and 4th – National Days of Prayer & Fasting

Just as our forefathers did in founding this great nation, we declare that we are one nation under God, and recognize that under God’s care we remain. At this crucial time of transition, please join your fellow Americans in lifting our eyes, our hearts and our prayers to our Heavenly Father, pleading for His mercy.


* That all U.S. citizens will be graced with the awareness that the greatest right is the right to life, and that each individual will protect this right above all others in faithfulness to their God, their country, and to all of humanity.
* For the election of a President who will do everything possible to secure the right to life for every human life - from conception to natural death.
* For the defeat of all candidates who promote, support, or advocate in any way, a culture of death.
* That all of our elected leaders be inspired by God to work to protect the pre-born, the innocent, helpless and needy above all else, and to serve as responsible stewards of human life, God-given resources, national strength and worldly influence.
Sacred Heart of Jesus and Immaculate Heart of Mary
ELECTION PRAYER (Please Pray Daily)

“Ever-faithful God, we consecrate the 2008 U.S. presidential election and our entire nation to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Our Loving Mother, Patroness and Protectress of the Americas.

We ask that You take our Nation into Your Loving Care, reach into the hearts of the electorate, and give them the strength and enlightenment to know your Will, and to exercise Your Will in their vote. Abba, Father, Thy Will Be Done!”
Thanks to Sue for sharing this.


  1. Anonymous12:57 PM

    I have also made the decision to fast for our upcoming election. It doesn't look good for us,I'm afraid. Obama is sooo popular and the media act as if he is already won. I know God has the final say as He is Sovreign over all! God Bless you and please stop by my journal sometime!

  2. One thing the MSM forgets Judy is that God is still in charge. We can make a difference by our prayers and sacrifices.

  3. Thanks, dear Esther!

    I am trying... :-)

  4. I fast on Thursday anyway so today I am doing it for the elections.
